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Edited: 5-15-19

Jimin's POV: 17 August, 2035

"I'm sorry, sir. You what?" I stared at Mr. Yi with my mouth agape. I swear he just asked me to join the Alpha Unit. Our strongest, deadliest unit. The highest trained Solitaries are in this unit, and the boss wants me to join them. I haven't even completed my training.

"You're going to join the Alpha Unit and go on the Crypt mission. Have you wax in your ear, son?" Me. Yi lattes my back.

"But sir!" Jungkook interjected. He stood up from his seat and stood with us. "He hasn't even completed his training! It's far too dangerous, not only for him but for the whole unit to send him on this mission. If you want to send him on a mission, send him with Gamma or Delta! Not Alpha. There is no way he's coming back ali-"

"Do you underestimate his abilities, Jungkook? Remember, he is the Variant. Much stronger than you." Mr. Yi smirked faintly at Jungkook, realising the younger one had been logically defeated.

"That just makes it all the more dangerous! He's wanted by the Crypt. If we want him alive, to complete his training and become practically invincible, we need him to stay here." Jungkook said. "Think about it sir. Think about how much of a risk his power is to the team. I'd even go as far to say it's a risk to the whole world!" I could tell Jungkook was only trying to diminish my power in his vile words. But honestly, he made a point. As exciting this mission could be, I just don't feel ready. I might be skilled, but that's only in my ice abilities. Any other day I would've said yes immediately, but after hearing about Beta's fail... I'm not too sure.

"Sir, Agent J.JK makes an excellent point... I haven't completed my training and I don't feel strong enough yet. Not to mention, I wouldn't want to harm our strongest unit," I saidnwith sarcasm. I hung my head. I felt like those words were a disappointment, feeling as if I can't do it. Jungkook stood with crossed arms and Mr. Yi patted my head.

"Jimin, Alpha can't go on missions until the end of the week... You have the end of the week to train for this mission. I suggest you start now." He smiled at me.

Jungkook was fuming with frustration. Literally. When he's angry or frustrated he tends to make the room heat up. You could see actual puffs of smoke making their way toward fire alarms.

A couple of the alarms went off. The noise was ear shattering, with several going off at once, but I managed to use a bit of my wind ability to blow the smoke away from them. After everyone regained their hearing, Jungkook mumbled a 'sorry.'

"What do you say, Jimin? Will you join the Alpha Unit?"

This is something I had to think about. I've been alone for so long that it's the only way I know how to work. Sure, I was powerful, but I wasn't there yet. I needed to learn more control and combat skills. Most of all... I needed to learn to work with others.

"Do you need time to think or-"

"No. I'll do it. What I need is time to train." I said, letting out a shaky breath.

"Then go. Go train, Jimin. I believe in you."

Bull fucking shit you believe in me. I think he's only nice to me because he knows I can put him on his ass. I nodded with a small smile and left the room.

"Jimin, you're training with the best if you want to join the Alpha Unit." Jungkook said, practically dragging me to the practice room.

"Listen. I don't want to join the Alpha Unit. I work better alone." I said, yanking my arm from Jungkook's tight grasp.

It was the truth. I never wanted to join the Alpha Unit. I'm fine fighting on my own. The only desirable thing about that unit is the missions they go on. I would kill to go on those missions...by myself. I don't need a team. I don't need anyone... except for those who train me to control my powers.

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