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Edited: 6-30-19

Jimin's POV: 23 August, 2035

I had felt pretty secure ever since we began the routine of having one unit guarding the outside each night. The first night, the Alphas did it, second night the Betas did it, now it's the time for the girls of the Gamma Unit to have their turn. Ever since I became part of the Alpha Unit, I became more aware of the other units around me. The Gamma Unit has four girls: Jennie, Jisoo, Rosè, and Lisa.

(a/n: I was gonna call her Chaeyoung instead of Rosé, but it's shorter and I'm lazy... I'll continue with the story now.)

I've gotten closer to the girls and they're like little sisters to me. I mean, except for Jisoo, who I still refuse to believe is the same age as me, considering her fluffy personality.

"Are you guys gonna be okay tonight?" I said, as I followed around Jennie. Jennie is a fire Solitary. I've seen her train, she's a badass. She had fireproof gloves over her hands to ensure she wouldn't burn anything. I watched her prepare the things she needed for her and the other girls tonight.

"I'm hoping." She said with a smile and continued to her work.

"If you want, I can scout with you all later... if you want the extra support-"

She placed her hand flat on my chest, as if gesturing me to stop.

"Jimin, we're fine. Plus, you sir, have a mission coming up. Don't you need to rest for that?" She said with a smirk. She slowly turned around and whipped her long hair in my face. I swear she did it on purpose.

"No, I'm rested. I'm fine."

Jennie looked back at me with a raised eyebrow. She giggled slightly to herself.

"My god, Jimin. We'll be fine. Have some faith." She smiles faintly and returned to her work.

"My mans!" Jackson said putting his arm around my shoulders. "You hype for the mission?" His muscles are literally crushing my body, but that's fine. Yeah don't worry about Jimin who's fragile body has a mission to go on in two days. Perfectly fine here.

"Jackson, you're crushing me."

"Sorry. You are just so little and it makes me want to crush you." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oookay then..."

I continued walking to my room, almost unaware of Jackson following me. The dude is stealthy as hell, I must admit.

"Jackson, what do you want?" I turned around. He slightly jolted at my sudden movement.

He looked around, as if checking to make sure no one was around.

"We need to talk."

Jungkook's POV: 23 August, 2035

"I need Agent P.JM to report to the meeting room, asap." I spoke into my intercom.

I had information regarding the mission, which I needed to run by Jimin before carrying out with our plans. Not that... he's above me in ranks... or that I need his approval. I just want to get a second opinion.

Within a minute, the door was opened by nine other than the Variant himself. He had a small stack of papers in his hand, but I didn't question it, because I had other concerns.

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