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Edited: 7-1-19

Jimin's POV: 25 August, 2035

"Look what we have here." A mysterious person in a black cloak came up to me. He took his index finger and began caressing my cheek. His touch was cold. Ice cold. His voice was malicious. His appearance was evil. I felt the aura sink around me at his chilling touch, but I remained focused.

I grabbed his wrist and threw his hand down. "Do not touch me." I scowled. He replied with a grin.

"I'm not here to fight you guys. Honest." The agent said, clasping his hands together.

"Then why are you here?" Jungkook asked.

The agent replied again with a smirk. "I can't simply let you guys get away with whatever you're planning."

The agent walked behind us. I could feel the coldness of his presence behind me. Shivers were sent up and down my spine. I had given up controlling the temperature long ago. Once I knew we were caught, it was only weakening me. I didn't dare turn around, but when I did, it was the biggest mistake of my life.

It was like a flash of light. No one flinched. Not yet. Last thing I knew, I was sent flying across the room with a cold... hurt in my chest. I remember hitting a wall, and falling limp.



I watched as Jimin fell to the floor. His body looked lifeless, his skin paler than usual. I would be surprised if his eyes were still the same vibrant blue. There was an iridescent light signaling that he had changed forms. This time it wasn't to his Variant form or ice or fire... he turned to his normal form... without his magic. It all happened in a literal flash of light. Not even I saw it coming. I wanted to drop to my knees. They wanted to give out. My body felt like jelly on a stick. My brain could barely process what's was going on, but something needed to happen.

"You said you didn't want to fight!" I turned around, demanding answers for this outrageous action. The other members turned around. Their eyes began glowing their signature colours. They were ready to fight. Hoseok went to try and fix Jimin with his healing. His body was outlined with a vivid green glow as he tried using a healing touch on the younger. The green hues reflected onto the walls.

"I don't want to fight you. We want him." The agent said pointing to Jimin.

"Why?" Yoongi demanded. His eyes were a glowing, icy blue. His fists were balled and to his sides.

The agent smirked, but never replied. His bodily had a dark glow to it and he rose up slightly. I could hear the thunder rolling outside and the crackles of lighting. Was he controlling it? Was it Taehyung?

A flash of black lightening broke through the building and struck right in front of our line. We all jumped back. Soon after a flood of other agents came in, all ready to fight.

Taehyung clapped his hands together sending a wave of air to the other side. They were pushed back slightly but, they nearly looked unfazed. I could barely concentrate on the mixtures of water, fire, ice, and light being flung across the air. Getting Jimin back to full health was my main concern. I kept looking back. I was distracted... by Jimin.

"Hoseok, I need help!" Taehyung cried. His health must've been low. I couldn't tell because I was standing back to back with Yoongi flinging fire to make fire-ice combo attacks. Hoseok got up and stood by Tae's side, but Jimin was still unconscious.

I felt a shard of ice, scrape my cheek. The warm red liquid seeped out of my skin and onto my hands. I felt myself heat up, more than I normally do. My blood felt like it was boiling, my veins began to glow red. My own ability took me aback and I was confused. The agents weren't there anymore. My chest hurt. I collapsed to my knees.

"Jungkook..." Jin came to my side and put a hand on my back.

"What was that?" Yoongi asked.

"You look like you exploded with fire..." Taehyung said. I was kneeling on the ground panting. Hoseok came forward and put his hand on me. Something didn't feel right.

"Jimin-" I managed to croak, but instead, coughed up dark red liquid; blood.

"Jimin is..." Hoseok's voice trailed as he looked around the room. "Where's Jimin?"

All of a sudden whatever hurt I felt, went numb. I forced myself to sit up and see for myself. Ignoring the pain that shot through my legs, I walked around searching for any sign of where Jimin went.

"I didn't even see him get up..." Yoongi said.

"Where is Jimin?" I finally said. Everyone had a guilty look on their face. Maybe it was disappointment. I looked down and shit my eyes. Jimin was


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