{18} -final-

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Edited: 8-29-19

Author's POV: 24 December, 2035

It's Christmas Eve and everything is hectic. Everyone gathers at the town square for a party. Normals, Solitaries... Variants. Some of thenSolitaries perform little tricks, especially the Ice Solitaries during this time of year. Yoongi, Jisoo, and Mark were preparing in the ice room. Jungkook, Jennie, and Jackson were practicing in the fire room. Jimin smiled to himself watching Jungkook train. He decided to stop in. He opened the door and watched as all eyes were on him. Jungkook smiled.

"Take five." He said. Jennie and Jackson smirking to themselves.

"Hey." Jimin said.


"I was watching you train. You excited for the party tonight?"

Jungkook sighed. "Yeah... I guess. It'll be cool this year. Now that you've officially joined us, you'll need to participate too."

Jimin's eyes widened. "I what? How do I participate?"

"Pick one of your elements and practice with the group of that element?"

Jimin hummed in response thinking to himself. "What if i did something on my own?"


"Well... I have a bunch of different elements... what if I closed the ceremony using all of them?"

"Won't that drain your energy?"



"Oh, come on. I know you guys don't know what to do for the ending. So let me handle it."

"Jimin... I know you still don't have your full power back, I can tell in you eyes," Jungkook said quietly.

"I..." Jimin turned away, shifting his gaze anywhere besides Jungkook.

"What?" Jungkook asked, now raising his eyebrow with concern. He cold feel Jimin's aura change. Instead of feeling light and airy, it's felt heavy and... strange. "Jimin what's wrong?!"

"I'm..." Jimin croaked. He visibly struggled to get the words out, but they were tugging at his heart. "I'm never getting my full powers back."

"What are you..."

"Remember that liquid I was in?"

Jungkook's eyes suddenly widened, his brown orbs sparkled in fear. "Don't say what I think you're about to..."

"The Crypt still has my powers, meanwhile I'm stuck with the half I still have," Jimin sighed. He looked at his hands that once wielded unimaginable power, now reduced to half of that.

"This is dangerous... I need to call off the festival..." Jungkook quickly turned to leave, but Jimin was fast enough to stop him.

"No please... I need this... to divert my mind elsewhere," He slowly left go of Jungkook's wrist.

He couldn't bare to see Jimin in this state. It was like Jungkook melted in his presence.


Planning the ending for the ceremony wasn't hard. Fire this. Ice that. Combine power. Make things explode in the sky.

"I'm such a pro at this. I have no idea why Jungkook had no faith in me." Jimin chuckled to himself.

Jimin swirled his hands in small circles around each other forming changing different abilities, making the ball of light in his hand change colours. He smiled at it, because it did look pretty cool.

Jimin was in a helpful mood. He and Jungkook decorated the large Christmas tree in the main room, he and other Ice enchanters decorated the ice themed tree, and same with the other elements.

"I think we should put Hoseok on top of the trees." Taehyung chuckled.

"What?" Hoseok said in confusion.

"You are the angel of the institute." Rosé chuckled.

"Yeah!" Jackson said, high fiving Rosé.

"You guys are such idiots." Yugyeom mumbled.

"Well, you're a damn fucktard." Jaebum rolled his eyes.

"You're both fucking stupid!" Yoongi scoffed.

"You wanna fight? Cause I'll fucking fight right now-"

"It's Christmas!" Jin said.

Jimin chuckled at them and held Jungkook's hand and leaning his head against Jungkook's arm.

"Who do you think is right here?" Jungkook whispered into Jimin's ear.

"Oh hell no, don't get me involved." Jimin shook his head.

"You are no fun. Like not at all. You're so not fun, that your negative fun-"

Jimin literally handcrafted a snowball and shoved it in Jungkook's mouth. A burning sensation filled Jungkook's mouth from the cold contact.

"Ow! Jimin what the hell. I'll fucking kill you-"

"It's still Christmas!"

Yoongi looked at the clock. It was only 11:59. "It's not even Christmas yet. It's fucking Christmas eve-"

Until the clock struck 12.


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