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Edited: 7-1-19

Author's POV: 27 August, 2035

"Someone try and get Jimin on the coms!" Jungkook shouted orders at anyone listening.

"Do you actually fucking think he still has his telecom after being kidnapped to god knows where?" Jaebum scoffed.

"Well, if Jimin doesn't have it, someone does. We can try and contact it and see who picks up." Jungkook said. "Yugyeom, get on that."

Yugyeom sighed, but followed orders.

"And if someone destroyed it?" Jaebum doled his arms across his chest.

"Then maybe we can locate it to someone." Jungkook kept insisting that it was possible to find Jimin through the telecommunication system.

"This is useless."Jaebum said, at last.

"Or is it?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

"I'm pretty sure it is." Jaebum rolled his eyes.

"Actually... it's not." Yugyeom said, in a low tone. The two unit leaders crowded around Yugyeom.

"Is that the com?" Jungkook pointed to the red dot on the floating screen.

"No, that's the last person who wore the com." The statement making Jungkook and Jaebum exchange glances.

"Jimin." They said in unison.


Jimin rammed himself into the bars. Failure fell upon him each time. Maybe he should give up, but he had no other means of escape. What was he supposed to do?

"Maybe..." Jimin, still in a fiery form, used an ice ability, trying to free himself. It physically burned, not in a good way, but he proceeded.

He tried again, only to be met with failure once more.

"Ow..." Jimin groaned, rubbing his arm.

The Variant threw himself in the floor. He had tried everything from melting the bars, to using physical force to break out. Nothing. He began to wonder what the bars were made of.

Jimin felt like he had let everyone down. How could he be so stupid to let his guard down for even a half a second? One small mistake was all it took. Just one. Now he's here. Maybe he should just quit the agency. He considered it. Maybe he just wasn't ready. In this world, you can't afford mistakes. Not one. Jimin slowly began to realise that.

He sat with his back to the wall hugging his knees. His face hidden in his knees and his black hair barely visible in the dark light.

It was the sound of a door opening that made Jimin peel his head up.

"I was told to give you food... I didn't know what you liked so here..." The agent said, placing a tray with different kinds of elemental food. Luckily for Jimin, he could eat any of it.

"Thank you..." Jimin glanced up at the person. A female.

"Yeah..." Her voice was sweet. Jimin smiled.

"I'm sorry, we locked you in here... you don't deserve that..." The girl said shyly.

"Yeah, it's not totally your fault I don't think." Jimin chuckled.

The girl sat down in front of the cell.

"I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be helping you, but I'll find a way to help get you out... but in return I want something..." She inhaled.

"That depends on what it is?" Jimin said, taking a bite of the blue cakey substance.

"Help me out of here too..."

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