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Edited: 7-1-19

Jungkook's POV: 25 August, 2035

I was shocked the whole way home, unsure of what to say. Not only did I 'fail' this mission, but I failed this mission. I let... everyone down. I let myself down. I let Mr. Yi down. I let Verticile down. I let Yoongi, Jin, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Taehyung down. Most of all, I let Jimin down...

My unit members tried talking to me. I didn't want to ignore them, but I couldn't say anything. Hoseok tried giving me a hug and rubbed my back telling me that we'd get Jimin back and everything would be okay. I knew Jimin shouldn't have joined this unit. I couldn't carry the burden of feeling like I needed to protect him. Not yet. I'm not strong enough to protect him. I'm not strong enough to keep him safe. Jimin needed more time to train. I knew that. We should've pushed the mission back.

I kept thinking of every scenario and how it should've gone. I kept thinking of all the ways I failed and how I could've done better. Jimin is gone, and now we need to get him back. How could I just leave without him?

We stepped inside the building, unsure about how everyone would react to our failure. It appears everyone was in the first floor already. The other units and secretaries... and the boss gathered around to hear our tales. Here we go...

"Where Jimin?" Jennie asked, her eyes wide. I hung my head.

"Where's Namjoon?" Yugyeom asked.

"We failed our mission." Taehyung said and bowed. I didn't look up, but I felt Mr. Yi's stern gaze. I could feel it weighing me down.

"You didn't get the files?" Mr. Yi asked.

"No, sir." Jin said.

"And Jimin?"

Everyone turned to me, waiting for my explanation.

"I couldn't save him, sir. He got hit, and Hoseok was trying to heal him, it wasn't working fast enough. We needed the extra back up, so Hoseok had to stop that..." I said quietly.


"We uh... don't know, sir." Taehyung and Hoseok exchanged glances. Jackson furrowed his eyebrows.

"Just before we were attacked, Namjoon disappeared completely. As we were being attacked, he didn't show up and went completely off the coms." Yoongi added.

"Off the coms? You couldn't contact him?" Mr. Yi asked.


"What if it's Namjoon?" Jackson said, raising his hand up.

I put a finger over my lips gesturing him to shut up. He boss didn't need to know of this yet, not now.

"What if what's-"

My eyes lit up.


"The papers, right here." Jackson held up the infiltration plan papers that Jimin showed me earlier.

Mr. Yi looked at me with both disappointment and confusion. I really should have told him. Looks like my ass has some explaining to do.

Jimin's POV:

I woke up in this dank room. The floor was cold, and I instinctively switched to my fiery form with whatever amount of power I had left in me. That kept me warm for a bit as I was laying on the dirty floor. There was a bunch of dust and all sorts of assorted dead bugs... or I think they're dead. I mean... they definitely would've died due to how warm I made this room... so now they're dead. I don't know.

I sat up and took a look around. I could hear dripping of water and faint voices. Unfortunately, I couldn't make out what the voices were saying. I stood to my feet and immediately stumbled towards the cell door. I gripped those bars for my life.

After taking a deep breath, standing on my own was alright. There was a small window, which let in a small amount of light. I sighed.

"Jiminie~" A familiar voice sang. My ears perked up at the voice. I heard footsteps nearing my cell. It can't be...

"Hello?" I could barely see, my night vision began to give out.

"Glad to see you're... still alive." And there he was in all his glory. Out from the shadows came...

"Kim Namjoon..." I glared.

"Tis' I." Namjoon smirked.

"So what do you want?" I leaned against a wall in my 'cell' and crossed my arms.

"Oh? Straight to it, are we? You're not going to ask me why I'm here? Or how I got here?" Namjoon held onto the cell doors.

"Cut the shit, why am I here? I could give less of a fuck why you're here. Traitor."

"I'm a traitor?"

"Uh, yeah. You are. Why would you do this? What do you achieve by locking me here?"

"You being the strongest being on earth, I think we've achieved quite a lot."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

My anger boiled up all at once and I immediately shot a ball of fire at Namjoon. Fuck him for his dodging skills, or maybe it's been for being so weak.

"Did you think that would work, Jimin?" He said evilly. He lifted his hand, and lifted me off the ground with telekinesis. My neck felt like it was caving in on itself in Namjoon's 'hold.' My hands flew for my neck and I kept screaming and gasping for air. Small tears streamed down my cheeks. I kicked my legs furiously. Not that it would do anything.

He sighed and let me fall to the ground.

"You're pretty weak for a Variant." Namjoon scoffed and turned to leave.

What the hell...

What the hell

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