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Edited: 8-29-19

Jungkook's POV: 9 September, 2035

As time went on, Jimin slowly began losing his mind in the cold of the prison cell. With his magic decreasing from the bars of the cell, his different personalities easily began to shine through. Whenever an agent came to check on him, they would think he was crazy, but it's really just him talking to himself in another form.

'I want to get the fuck out of here,' the fire said.

'That makes two of us,' the ice said.

'Both of you shut up, no one's getting out of here til we hear from the others,' the plant said.

'Oh yeah and how long will that take?' the air said.

"AHHHHH!" Jimin screamed, as he knelt down tugging on his hair. Silent tears streamed down his face, he was weaker than he had ever been and doesn't know how he could cope with it.

He only wanted to get out, but he couldn't even save himself.

"Jungkook where are you..."


Time is passing. Time is running out. If time was money... looks like we're broke.

Jimin is the only thing on my mind and has been for the past week. I can't even focus on getting him back, because he's not here. Other agents have offered me their help, to which I kindly rejected. It's not that I didn't want them to help... in fact help might not be a bad investment... My mind has become to Jimin centered.

The thing that bothered me most, is that I couldn't figure out why. Why Jimin won't escape my thoughts? Why I wish Jimin's presence was here? Why I feel the way I do? I can't place a finger on it.


"Come in?" I say, question evident in my voice. I turn to face a door and notice a certain orange haired girl step in.


"Jungkook..." She looked down.

"Chaeyoung? What's wrong?" I stand from my chair, gesturing her to sit. She shakes her head.

"Can you please stop working so hard... you haven't had a meal with the rest of us..."

"Yoongi-hyung came in and brought me food. What's the matter?"

"You've been so distant from us. You're so worked up over this thing and you won't let any of us do anything to help." Her tone became a bit more stern.

"Maybe it's because I don't want help."

"Really Jungkook? You don't want help? You're practically killing yourself over this and your don't want help? Is this how low you've come?"


"No, forget it! We've been worrying our asses off because of you! We've stretched out our arms and told you it's okay! We're here for you, Jungkook. You don't have to be alone."

I looked down. I don't know what she wants from me, but I bet whatever it is, she's getting it.

"You need to talk to us... communicate... Stop locking yourself away. Stop skipping meals with us. Stop being alone." She cautiously put her arms around me.

"Chaeyoung, I don't-"

"No, stop. This is a friendly thing. I don't have any intentions besides getting you healthy again, I swear."

I nodded in relief, and put my arms around her. Maybe everything would be okay.

*hours later*

"This still makes no sense." Jaebum hung his head, his palms flat on the table in the meeting room. The room exchanged a few glances.

"It's not going to make sense, all we can do is try our best to understand it." Jinyoung said.

"Yeah but-"

"JB, let it go." Youngjae groaned.

"But we need to understand this! If we don't, we're putting everyone we care about at stake, and that includes Jimin." Jaebum half shouted.

I looked at our incoherent plans, none of which seemed to make sense. We don't know what the Crypt is capable of at this point, and now we're struggling.

"Well, you guys keep struggling, I'm gonna invest in a burrito that will actually wrap." Jackson kicked his feet up, placing them on the desk.

"I'm with Jackson on this one." Taehyung said, high fiving Jackson.

"Really? Can't you guys take one thing seriously?" Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I'm so deeply sorry for trying to lighten the mood. Guess we're criminals. Aren't we, Jackson?" Taehyung mocked, Jackson nodded.

"Maybe you should face fucking... I don't know reality, and realise that the mood isn't light, and that it won't be light until we can agree on a damned plan to save Jimin." Yoongi retorted.

"Maybe you should-"

"That's enough." I finally said. I'm sick of everyone arguing over this. "Can someone go get the Gamma Unit?"

Yugyeom nodded and fled the room.

"What are you thinking, Jeon?" Hoseok said.


Hoseok cocked an eyebrow.

"No! I mean how we're gonna get him back!" I waved my hand to defend myself.

"Okay... then..." Hoseok turned away and grinned.

I rolled my eyes, and focused back on the screen. The light projected into the air and flickered. We've haven't ever gotten too far into the Crypt to be 100% certain that our maps are correct. The cells could be on the third floor instead of the second. There could even be more floors. It's unpredictable.

I stared at the screen, as if I was waiting for it to give me an answer. Luckily for me, it did just that. My eyes narrowed down on an area that began to glow bright purple. The purple flickered on and off. It looked like it was pulsating.

"Hey, hey, hey. What does this mean?" I asked. The group turned their heads towards the screen.

Jaebum came and slightly pushed past me. He stared at the purple pulsating area. His face fell. His lips we're slightly parted, as he concentrated his eyes on the map.

"I've never seen this before-"

"It's Jimin."

a/n: shortish chapter i'm sorry 😬

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a/n: shortish chapter i'm sorry 😬

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