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Edited: 5-16-19

Jimin's POV: 20 August, 2035

A few days have passed since Jungkook's minor "freak out." I still haven't figured out why it happened, but I have a good idea: I'm a Variant. Everyone treats me like that. Yeah yeah, I've heard it all.

'You're special.'

'You need to be protected.'

Oh and the infamous,

'You aren't ready.'

Whatever. I decide when I'm ready to go on real missions, not them. I make it seem like I'm treated poorly. I'm not, I just want to be treated like I can handle myself, yet I never am.

We had gotten together to discuss our mission. When I say we, I mean the boss, Jungkook, Beta Unit, and of course me. The Beta Unit had failed their mission, they needed to provide us with the tactics they used so we could make a new plan. The plans for the mission were being discussed. From the looks of it, we aren't getting anywhere. I kept silent, because I couldn't form a coherent thought with all the back and forth yelling.

"I'm telling you, we went through that entrance, and failed." A Beta Unit Solitary said.

"Maybe we can try again." The leader of the Beta Unit said.

"No we can't- If we want to get out there alive we need to go through another entrance." Jungkook said. He used the touch table to pull up a projected image of the Crypt HQ. I stared at the image trying to make sense of it.

"Agent I.JB, with all due respect-" I said.

"You need another plan, it's not going to work. It's predictable." Jungkook said.

"But maybe that's what's predictable! If you follow the same plan, maybe they'll be caught be off guard that you didn't try to change your course." Jaebum said. "They could have heavy security on the entrances now."

This is the Beta Unit. Their leader is Im Jaebum. He's an Earth Solitary. I remember being scared of him when I was younger. Watching him practice was scary. I've grown out of it, but even I don't dare talk back to him.

"I know, I'm from another unit, but I need to agree with the Alphas on this one. JB, if we failed what makes you think they can succeed?" Jackson, their Fire Solitary said.

"Jackson... just let them handle it." Mark said. He's the Ice Solitary. Not as intimidating. He's pretty fluffy looking, but still, he could freeze your heart and kill you in an instant.

I looked back at the image. I couldn't tell what side to take. The image was a bit confusing. The Crypt HQ had multiple floors. Picking which floor to enter on is the problem, not necessarily where. I noticed there was a greyed out basement area and something clicked in my head.

"Hey hey hey, look at this." I used my index finger and thumb to zoom on the floating image.

"Yeah? It's just another floor, Jimin." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"But look it's greyed out." I zoomed in on the building.

Jungkook looked closer at it.


"Meaning it's underground. A basement perhaps?" I said, looking at everyone else. They were silenced. I'm surprised they didn't notice this before...

"If we go through the basement..." Jungkook started.

"Then we can enter underground and go up." I stood up finishing his thought.

"You could use earth magic and easily dig a hole, it's a perfect plan."

Everyone exchanged looks at the idea.

"But we don't know how protected, it is. Hell, we didn't even know this basement existed." Youngjae, Air Solitary, said in a low tone.

"He's right." The boss said. "I'm going to go look over something, come up with a plan."

The boss stood from his seat and left the room.

I sat back down. Jungkook pinched the bridge of his nose. I could see him fuming in frustration like he usually he does.

"So that's it. How do we infiltrate them? We have no input on their security." Jungkook growled. He was getting angry.

"I can run a scan of their building. We bugged it where we got in, but we were caught a few minutes after. They possibly could've found the planted devices." Yugyeom, Sky Solitary stated.

"Do that." Jaebum lightly patted Yugyeom's shoulder.

He nodded and pulled up a projected radar.

"The scan might last a while, especially if they devices aren't there, please continue the discussion." Yugyeom said, looking at whatever radar might pull up.

Everyone stayed silent thinking of ways to infiltrate. This discussion might last a while...

"We're wasting time and making no progress. If we're going to waste time, can we please get somewhere?" Jaebum groaned.

"How the hell do you expect us to get somewhere if no one can come up with a logical plan?!" Jungkook slammed him fiery fist onto the table, to which I quickly froze to keep the flames from destroying our technology.

"Sorry." Jungkook mumbled.

"Anyway..." Jaebum glared. "Jimin did come up with a plan, but it was shot down. We aren't gonna be able to know how heavily protected it is, it's a risk but-"

"We're gonna risk the life of the Variant? His life is worth more than all of us in this room, are we gonna risk that?" Jungkook shot back.

I sighed. I'm sick of this.

"Jungkook, stop. I told you I'm fine and I can protect myself, back the fuck off of my life." I growled, looking down.

The room was silent once again. We aren't going to get anywhere.

"Fine. Let's go with Jimin's plan."


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