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Edited: 8-29-19

Author's POV: 7 September, 2035

"It's Jimin." Mr. Yi said bursting through the doors, the Gamma Unit not far behind him.

"Jimin?" Jisoo turned her head in confusion.

Jungkook pointed out the map. Jaebum went to privately explain to the girls what's going on. Jennie looked over at the map, then back to Jaebum, nodding her head.

"So where exactly does this put us?" Taehyung asked.

"That's what I don't know." Mr. Yi said. "It at least gives us a lead on where Jimin is, we just need a plan to get him."

Mr. Yi then went on to explain how he overheard the conversation with Jimin. Not only did he overhead it, but he formulated a plan. Of course they need a real way to infiltrate.

"We're going to have to only send a few of us. Jungkook, Jennie, Hoseok, Yugyeom, Jaebum, Jackson. You guys are going."

Jungkook perked his head up, eyes wide. He looked around as if he expected someone else to not believe that Mr. Yi was willing to send him on yet another missions after he one, failed, and two, lost the Variant.

"M-me, sir?" Jungkook pointed to himself.

"Are you Jeon Jungkook?" Mr. Yi asked sarcastically.

"Yes, b-but-"

"No. Then that's it. I don't see anyone else in this room more qualified to go on this mission than you."

"But our recent mission failed. Why would you send me on another?"

"Because Jungkook, you deserve more credit than you give yourself. You're strong, passionate. I know you can complete this mission. You need to have faith in yourself and your teammates. Now, stop having your head in the clouds of self depreciation and come back to reality." Mr. Yi sighed after his impromptu speech.

The room was silent... except for the slight crunching of Jackson and his doritos. All heads turned towards the male.

"What? A guy can get hungry for human food okay?" Jackson rolled his eyes. Mark sighed, patting the younger's head. The crowd began to murmur amongst themselves. The conversations usually taking place among each different unit.

Jungkook didn't notice it himself, but his hands were trembling. His legs could barely hold himself up, and his whole body went numb. Jungkook has never felt fear in his life. He didn't understand it. He was trained to be a weapon. He was trained to not feel. He was trained to not be scared. But he was scared out of his mind. His insides beg to understand what fear is and why it demanded to be felt. It was slowly eating Jungkook inside, crawling across his skin. He wanted to cry. To just forget his obligations and go cry. By himself. In his room. To give up. That's all Jungkook wanted. He's never given up on anything before. But... how could he do that? Give up? Give up on the mission? Give up on saving the whole agency? Give up on Jimin? He can't do that. Not to Jimin. He doesn't deserve to be locked in there, with no means of escape. Jimin doesn't deserve to lose hope, because the person he trusted to save him has given up.

Jungkook didn't know if he could physically bring himself to save Jimin. The fear of losing someone so important if they went to save him, eats him alive. But the fear of what may happen if they don't is even worse. What if he gets tortured? Jungkook repeatedly asks himself the same question. What if they hurt him?

He's fine.

Jungkook looked around. He wondered if anyone else heard the soft girl's voice.

Who are you?

All in due time, Jungkookie...

I don't understand-

You don't have to, but trust me when I say if you don't save Jimin in the next few days, you might just be too late.


Save. Him.

How long do I have?

Three days to be exact.


I've already given too much information...

What do you mean?? Jungkook knew he must've looked odd. He ignored the looks around him and focused on answering the strange voice that graced his mind.

Just save him.

How? Silence. Hello? Silence. Jungkook sighed.

A curious Hoseok came bouncing up to Jungkook.

"Are you alright? You look pale..." Hoseok places the back of his hand on Jungkook's forehead.

"Yeah... maybe I'm coming down with something..." Jungkook examined his wrists and hands.

Hoseok bit his lip. "What was that just then?"

"What was what?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

"Your skin... before I came over here. You were glowing, quite literally. What was happening a few minutes ago?"

"I don't know..."


"Hyung, I'm serious. I could tell you all I know and I still wouldn't know what happened."

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