six - life or death

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"would you like to tell me why you're crying uncontrollably?" ethan asks, opening the car door for me.

"i'm not in the mood to talk, j-just please take me home." i beg him.

"you see allie," ethan sighs, "i'm not taking you to your house until i know what the fuck is wrong with you, and how that bruise appeared on your cheek."

"if you don't fucking drive me, i'll walk!" i exclaim. "you have a date anyway!"

"i met her online, allie." ethan rolls his eyes. "it doesn't mean anything."

"ethan please, i can't keep waiting here. i need to go home." i tell him, worriedly.

"where's your fiancé?" he asks.

"at home!" i exclaim. "waiting for me! so please, drive!"

ethan sighs, strapping on his seatbelt and pressing the gas. my legs were shaking, tears were dripping from my eyes, i was feeling nauseous and it was all from fear.

"you're scaring me." ethan says worriedly. "allie, please tell me what's going on."

"shut up!" i scream, "don't worry about it! i'm fine, okay ethan? i'm fine!"

ethan takes a deep breath. "is kyle hitting you?"

i shake my head. "are you crazy? no, ethan. he isn't"

"i don't believe you." ethan sucks his teeth.

"turn left." i mumble.

"tell me the truth." ethan says strictly. "because if he's hurting you i'll go in there right now and kill him with my own bare hands."

"he isn't." i lie.

i knew ethan didn't believe me, and i don't know why i was lying to him. ethan slows down in front of my house, running a hand through his hair.

"can i walk you in?" he asks.

"no. leave." i tell him, getting out of his car. it felt like i had lost all my safety the minute i stepped out.

"allie. you can trust me." ethan attempts once again.

"go ethan, please." i beg.

ethan sighs, "i will once you're in the house."

"thank you." i mumble. i walk slowly up the driveway, turning around to wave at him. once i turn around, sobs escape my mouth and i enter my house.

"look who's finally home." i see kyle, chugging a bottle of fireball. my stomach turns when i see the belt in his hand.

"k-kyle please. you're drunk. you're going to regret this in this morning." i stutter. he laughs, slapping the empty bottle onto the counter.

"regret?" he slurs, "i don't regret anything."

"kyle please. put the belt down, you're scaring me." i tremble.

"what? you don't like it?" he asks. "you don't like getting whipped for being bad?"

"i didn't do anything wrong!" i sob.

"you always do something wrong!" he screams, whipping the belt across my face. i fall to the ground in tears and pain.

"why are you h-hurting me!" i scream, "what did i do to you?"

"shut the fuck up!" he yells again, winding his arm back to slap me in the back with the belt. i scream in pain, trying to get myself back up.

"you worthless space of air." he laughs, "look at you. struggling, crying, barley breathing."

"k-kyle please." i cry, silently.

he throws the whip to the side, picking me up by my arm. his fingers were digging into my skin, definitely leaving bruises.

he throws me against the counter, "apologize."

"i'm sorry." i sob, silently.

"say it again!" he screams in my face. "mean it this time!"

"i'm sorry!" i scream. he throws everything off the counter in anger, breaking all the glass as it shatters around the room.

kyle backs away from me, staring at me before horking, and spitting in my face.

i gasp, shielding my eyes from his saliva. i was no longer scared, i was livid. my hands turned into firsts and i banged on his chest, screaming. hoping to hurt him, but he took my punches and laughed.

he punched me in the face, i fell weakly to the ground. i heard him slide a knife out of the knife holder, i was screaming by now, my lip was bleeding and so was my nose. he covered my mouth with his hand as he straddled over me, pointing the knife in my face.

"no!" i scream, i fought with everything in me. i used all my strength to keep the knife away, i hit his arm and the knife flew onto the ground. once his hands were free, they wrapped around my neck, suffocating me.

"i do EVERYTHING for you." he screams, "everything!"

i felt myself struggling to stay alive, i thought i was going to die like this. his grip only got tighter, and i was only losing more air faster, struggling to escape i spread my hands around the floor, trying to find the knife.

"i love you, and you think this is hatred." he laughs in my face. "how? how don't you see i'm risking everything for you."

my fingers gaze over the handle of the knife, and my first instinct was to stab him in the side. i felt the knife go through him, and his hands let go of my throat, he fell off of me and i began to cough, i quickly get up, avoiding the broken glass as i run to my phone and call 911.

"991, what's your emergency?" the operator asks.

"m-my fiancé w-was trying to kill me so i stabbed him, p-please c-come." i sob, "132 everspring road."

my shaky fingers dialled ethan's number next, the blood dripping from my nose fell onto my phone. i place it to my ear and ethan answers immediately.

"hello?" he asks.

i gulp. "it's a-allie. p-please c-come over, i t-think i killed h-him."

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