twenty three - later

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• i know i know, this is an update, but i just want you guys to read this before anything. •

so i decided to not start a grayson and emma fanfiction because of all the hate emma was receiving from you guys. ( and others on insta, twitter etc..)

i am a very, very understanding, nonjudgmental person. i treat others the way i would like to be treated, and when i see people 'bullying' it really, really bothers me.

i know there are a lot of accusations towards emma right now, all being that she was a bully in high school.

but do you really fucking know that? if you've never talked to emma yourself, how can you say that? you can't believe everything you hear online just because a few people are saying it. if someone told you that ethan or grayson was a bully in high school. would you believe them, no of course not.

i'm not saying emma wasn't a bully, i honestly have no idea. i didn't go to her high school, i don't communicate with her, just like you guys don't. but i really don't think it's fair to emma, that there's hate going around about it. because even if it is true, it's in the past.

also, hating on her for simply being 'annoying' bothers me a lot. if you find her anywhere near annoying or irritating or you just don't like her, don't watch her videos, don't surround herself in the same platforms she's in. wasting your time hating someone who you don't even know, but just simply dislike because of what you see of them online, really annoys me so if you can't stand the person, keep the negative comments to yourself and move on 💗

i'm not trying to defend emma, i'm just stating facts and this goes out to all youtubers / celebs getting hate for rumours.

also, i'm pretty sure grayson and ethan have heard / seen the rumours of emma being a bully, but i don't see them not hanging out with her because of it?? 🤔

moral of the story, don't judge someone you don't know, and don't hate on them. if you don't like them, just leave! everyone's entitled to their own opinions, but why say it if it's so negative?

anyways, that's all i wanted to say. thank you to those who did give me support in wiring an emma and grayson fanfic, but i won't be publishing one.

some good news though — is that i am working on a grayson fanfic without emma, so that's pretty exciting for me, and as i am writing that one, maybe i'll start another ethan one; but for some reason, ever since i started 'glitch' and this sequel, i cant seem to write ethan with any other character other than "allie" but i'll try my best to come up with ideas and keep more stories coming for you guys :)

anyways— i know you're all bored and maybe even skipped through this lil message, but i had to get it off my chest.

here's the update :) enjoy


a week seemed to go by in the most peaceful way. i moved back in with ethan, and we've been on the best terms possible. we were currently packing for his trip to jersey, which he invited me to go with him.

"where the fuck is my black shirt?" he yells, opening drawer after drawer.

"this one?" i ask, glancing down at the bed next to his suitcase.

he follows my eyes and sighs with a shy smile. "thanks baby."

we were going to eat something quick before we left for the airport tonight, a 5 hour flight didn't sound the best— but at least i had ethan.

once our suitcases were packed, we brought them downstairs and put them in ethan's truck. grayson and josie were leaving tomorrow because apparently their little girl, ellie, who's name i just found out yesterday had one of her ballet recitals tonight.

putting my seatbelt on, ethan adjusted the volume before playing a kid cudi song. just like grayson, they were obsessed with this guys music.

on our way to the airport, we stopped off at in-n-out and grabbed burgers and fries because our plan on the plane was to take some gravol in order to knock us both out for the flight.

the drive to the airport didn't take us that long, when we got there, we parked ethan's car in the correct section and grabbed our two suitcases before entering the airport in terminal 7.

going through the security and getting finished with everything, we got our boarding pass and continued our way into the room where we'd wait for the plane.

ethan got confused with this stuff easily, so i took care of his passport and boarding pass while he held onto my suitcase the entire time until we put them through security, and wouldn't see them again until we reached the jersey airport.

"are your parents gonna be in jersey?" i ask.

ethan nods, "their nephew is getting married."

i look at the pass, and it says the flight takes off at 9:25pm, and it was currently 9 which means they should start boarding us at any second.
and it did.

we got the two seats next to each other near the back of the plane and we both took some gravol before resting our heads back. there were three people in this row. ethan got the window seat which means i was in the middle, and someone was yet to come.

as we watched everyone scramble on, a guy around ethan's height with chestnut brown hair dressed in grey joggers and a black hoodie smiled at me, before sitting next to me. ethan had his eyes closed, resting on the airplane window with his headphones in.

he pulls out a pack of gum and pops a piece into his mouth before asking me i'd like one. when i contemplate my answer, he says it'll my ears not pop when the plane takes off.

"sure." i smile.

he shoves the pack back into his pocket before turning to look at me. "so where are you headed?"

"new jersey, you?" i ask.

"same here, i've got some family down there that i haven't seen in a while." he replies.

"oh that's nice." i grin, "are you going with anyone?"

"yeah, my brother, but he's at the front of the plane because they messed it up." he chuckles softly.

ethan groans, and turns to look at me. he realizes i've been chatting with the guy next to me and raises an eyebrow. "who's he?"

i shrug, turning back to the guy. "sorry, what's your name?"

"william." he smiles, "yours?"


"and i'm ethan, her boyfriend." ethan cuts me off, giving the guy a sarcastic smile.

william smiles uncomfortably before resting his head against the seat and fumbling with a pair of headphones he was going to put in.

i glare at ethan and pinch his knee for being so rude.

"what?" he asks, defensively.

i chuckle and roll my eyes. "i have to pee."

"can i come with you?" he asks.

"no." i chuckle, "i legitimately have to pee."

ethan frowns. and i knew why.

"later." i promise him, planting a kiss on his lips.

he smirks, interlocking our fingers together before i myself started to get tired.

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