fourteen - happier

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"jamaica?" josie blurts out almost choking on her wine.

i nod my head, "i tried to get out of it, but amelia was insisting, she's so stubborn."

grayson pours me another glass of wine as he shrugs. "just say something came up and you can't make it."

i shake my head, "they already paid for me, and they can't get their money back. besides, i'm not gonna pass up this trip now. maybe i'll meet someone there."

"are you really ready to move on? you and kyle aren't even divorced yet." josie asks.

"come on babe." grayson replies before i get the chance, "he was beating her, i'm pretty sure she's ready for a new healthy relationship."

"what about ethan?" josie asks.

"what about him?" i wiggle my eyebrow.

"honey, we didn't invite allie over to interrogate her. this is supposed to be a nice dinner where we just catch up." grayson sighs.

"we are catching up." josie replies, "with allie's life."

"it's alright." i sigh, "and honestly. ethan's moved on, he made that clear."

"are you okay with that? i mean, not many people go on vacation with their ex and their new girlfriend." josie says, slightly cringing.

"i'm not looking at it like that. i'm going to have fun, it's literally a free trip, i'm a single woman in jamaica, hoping to meet a cute guy at a bar." i shrug. "ethan and amelia will probably be doing their own thing anyway."

"and you're okay with ethan being angry while you're there?" grayson asks.

"trust me, he won't even know i'm there." i answer.

"when do you leave?" josie asks.

"next month on the 9th." i say.

after i left josie and grayson's for dinner, i got into my car and started the ignition. i was staying with my parents for a while until i could find a place of my own. i did have a few glasses of wine, but i was able to drive perfectly fine. grayson did offer to call me an uber, and josie asked me to stay the night, but i had to take ava to school the next morning so i had to go home.

i reverse out of their driveway and turn onto the streets, the sun and clouds were no longer visible since it was already 8pm and it was now dark. i turn onto the street downtown which always seemed to be the quicker way to my parents house, as i'm passing all the boutiques and restaurants, a familiar brunette seemed to be laughing hysterically.

the pain that shot right through me when i saw ethan and amelia sitting across from each other at this fancy restaurant through the window, laughing with each other.

ethan looked happier than he ever did with me, he looked joyful, and i was certainly the last thing on his mind. amelia had my whole world right in front of her and she didn't even know it. his eyes and nose crinkle up as he probably laughs at her jokes, while she smiles and soon breaks into her own fit of laughter.

the car behind me honks, and i notice that i've wasted my time stopped here, watching them enjoy each other's presence over a romantic meal.

i try to erase the sight, but tears prickle my vision when i remember ethan laughing at my jokes. when i remember our time together, and how i will never get it back because he's experiencing it with another girl.

i turn up the radio and try to blare the memory away but tears kept pouring down my cheeks, the wine was starting to kick in and my hands were going numb as i sobbed uncontrollably. memories of kyle abusing me, and the feeling of having nobody to care for me began to take over.

i'm trying my best to keep strong, but everything is happening so fast, and everything is falling apart right in front of me.

i began hyperventilating, and i didn't know what was happening. i took my feet off the gas pedal and my hands off the wheel as i began screaming. the minute i looked up, i saw the speeding headlights coming my way,

and then,

i saw black.

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