twenty nine - double trouble

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3 month later

"babe, did you buy oreos?" i ask, flipping through each channel to find something entertaining.

"indeed i did." ethan smirks, passing me the pack. "how're you feeling?"

these last three months have been a handful, dealing with some work, being pregnant and bloated every day, having hormones which can lead to breakdowns— and all that along with mine and ethan's mom planning our wedding. it's been pretty stressful.

"i'm doing okay." i smile, watching ethan come plop down onto the couch next to me.

"you sure, anything you want to talk about?" he asks.

i shake my head, checking the time. "we have the doctors appointment today at 6pm."

"i know. are you positive you want to find out the gender?"

"yes, i want everything organized for when she or he is prepared." i tell ethan.

"okay, well i'm gonna have a shower real quick, and then we can leave." he says, pressing his lips against my forehead softly.

i much away on some oreos while watching a repeat episode of 'this is us'.

ethan finished his shower within the ten minutes before we had to leave, and we jumped into the car. starting the ignition, we reversed out and drove down to the doctors.

"i'm nervous." i chuckle.

ethan wiggles his eyebrows. "don't be nervous. you should be excited. we're about to find out if we're having a baby girl, or boy."

"what do you want?" i ask ethan.

"as long as he or she is healthy. that's all that really matters to me." ethan smiles, parking the car in the parking lot.

"i agree." i smile.

we walk in and approach the front desk, being told that we should be called any moment. ethan and i sit in the waiting room and i watch him grab a pamphlet on new born babies.

"i see your expecting." the familiar voice above me, made my eyes wander up to the woman speaking.


i swallow, a hard swallow. ethan sits stiff.

"yes. we are." i reply, squeezing ethan's hand.

nikki's blonde hair was tucked neatly into a high pony tail. her hands wrapped firmly around her stomach, which also seemed to be expecting.

"you also?" i ask.

she nods. "six months."

"congratulations." i smile softly.

she stiffens a smile, and nods politely. "you as well."

with that, she walks away by herself. ethan rolls his eyes, "her and justin."

"huh?" i ask.

"justin's the baby daddy, but dipped the second he found out she was carrying." ethan sucks his teeth.

"how do you know?" i ask.

"grayson is good friends with one of justin's buddies and told him, and then gray told me." ethan shrugs.

"miss. camillo?"

ethan and i look up at the doctor holding the clipboard. nikki looked upset, she looked traumatized. she looked like she needed help.

ethan and i interlock fingers on the way in. greeting my doctor, dr. piaz as she tells me to lay down in order to apply the gel.

ethan's holding my hand, while watching the ultrasound carefully.

"we would actually like to find out the gende—"

dr. diaz squints her eyes as she watches what's going on the screen, and applies pressure to certain parts of my stomach. "h-hang on a second."

"w-why, what's going on?" i ask, looking up at ethan worriedly.

"just one moment." she says, slipping off her glove before rushing out of the room.

"hey, don't stress out. maybe she just has to check something." ethan reassures me.

my heartbeat began to race. was something wrong with the baby?

she comes back in, and looks calmer than she did, before she left. she slips the glove back on, and picks up from where she left off, only for a smile to appear on her face as she points to the screen.

"see that?" she asks.

ethan and i nod, confused as to what she was pointing at.

dr. diaz looks at us. "that's another heartbeat. congratulations! you're expecting twin boys!"

woooooo twins boys 👶🏻🧢⚽️🥣🍼💙🎊

anyways guys, i just wanna say thank you so much for supporting this book as much as you all do. i started 'glitch' not knowing i would be receiving all the love you guys share, which made me write a sequel, which is sadly coming to an end soon.

but, i have an ethan dolan fanfic currently in the making— to publish the same day this book ends so that you guys can start fresh on a new ship and story!!!

it's called "you again" and i'm prettyyyy excited for it!!!

anyways guys, thank you again!

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