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Dear Reader,

It's so hard to keep going..
Why do I even try?
I feel completely worthless.

Ever since my mother passed away, no one has ever seemed to care.
My father takes his anger out on me verbally and physically, he says I'm worthless and I'm the reason for my mother's death.

Yet that's not the only problem..
What else could be wrong, you ask?
I came out as bisexual recently...
two certain guys found out and started picking on me ever since. Their names are Namjoon and Yoongi..
They're both best friends with my crush, Taehyung. Yet, I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know what they do to me.

He'll never notice me anyway, right?
It doesn't matter, right?

I don't matter... right?

- Jungkook


I stuffed the letter in my locker slamming it before slowly turning down the hallway to walk to class.

I only wrote the letter because I read an article about depression saying writing your feelings down makes you feel better, but it only made me feel worse.

As I was walking I saw a figure walking the opposite direction of me down the hallway, but quickly looked down as I saw who it was.

"Hey Jungkook!" Taehyung said.

"H-hi." I cursed myself for stuttering, god this boy does things to me.

"Hey.. You okay?" He asked scanning my face but paused instantly, "What's that?" He pointed to a spot on my face.

I raised my hand to touch it but hissed in pain once my finger came in contact with the spot. It was a cut I hadn't noticed, probably from my dad's belt this morning, "Ah, just a small cut I'm fine."

"Why are your legs shaking too? Jungkook are you seriously alright-" His facial expression started to grow more worry so I quickly cut him off.

"I gotta go to class bye!" I said before running off to escape the questions. If he found out about my dad.. I'm not sure what would happen. I don't want Taehyung finding out because I don't want to be a burden to him.. because my dad would most likely go for him too.

I sighed while continuing my walk to class, thinking about this is pointless...

I mean, it doesn't really matter though, because soon.. I'll be gone, and then no one will have to worry or blame me about anything.



Hey everyone! So I decided this will be my new story.. interesting right?

I feel like in my last story there wasn't much development in the characters and them falling for each other, so this one will be a little slower and more detailed.

Feel free to comment opinions about this one.. I'll start publishing chapters soon! ♡

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