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Taehyung had been awoken by whispers.

Whispers of pain.

"Taehyung! No!"

He looked down to see the boy he was laying on was scratching at his wrists and recalled the heavy movement and rapid heartbeat in the chest his ear was near.

He suddenly remembered the nightmares Jungkook gets.

Instinct kicked in as he got up switching their positions and pulling Jungkook towards his chest. He held the boy in his long arms softly rubbing his back, shushing and whispering 'I love you' and 'it's okay' into Jungkook's ears. Jungkook was whimpering and sobbing in his sleep as Taehyung kept his arms parted so he couldn't scratch at himself. He knew he couldn't just wake the boy, because the only way to get rid of these nightmares is to face them. He'd face them with Taehyung comforting him from the outside world.

Jungkook started screaming.

Taehyung instantly held the boy tighter but this time placing kisses all over his face and whispering louder.

It worked.

Jungkook started to calm down slowly, it seemed as if his nightmare didn't go away completely but it kept the boy from screaming.

"I heard noises what's going on?" A sudden voice whispered.

"Nightmares, again. They never go away." Taehyung sighed, still wiping a tear from Jungkook's eyes.

"Do you need any help?" Jimin asked.

"Could you get me a warm washcloth? He's bleeding." Taehyung said pointing towards the boys wrists.

"Okay." The older then walked away grabbing a small washcloth and wetting it with warm water. Once he rung all the dripping water out, making it just damp he walked back into the living room to see Jungkook trying to thrash out of Taehyung's arms.

"TAEHYUNG!" The boy screamed. He was still asleep.

Taehyung instantly climbed on top of him, pinning him to the couch and crashed their lips together.. it seemed to work.

"Uhh.. here's the washcloth.." Jimin said awkwardly handing Taehyung the washcloth.

"Could you hold him down while I clean it up?" He asked.

"Sure, but you owe me if he kicks me in the balls."

"Whatever." Taehyung chuckled lightly. He then began to carefully wipe the blood from his cuts and clean them. It stopped the bleeding but still looked really painful.

"Okay. You can go back to bed now Jimin." Taehyung said. He once again had Jungkook in his arms as the boy was finally calming down a little, the dream seemed to have completely stopped.


"Morning, sunshine."

"Ahh!" The younger screamed falling off the couch in the process, "Jimin what the fuck!"

"Shh! Tae is still asleep!" Jimin whisper yelled.

"What do you want?"

"I saw you waking up so I greeted you, am I not allowed to?" Jimin asked, acting like he was hurt, "Anyway I made some breakfast if you want some."

"Should I wake up Tae?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't think so.. he was up half the night making sure you didn't suffer your nightmares." Jimin said softly looking up to the sleeping boy.

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