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"What the fuck?!" A sudden voice said.

I looked up, blood dripping down my chin to see Taehyung standing there in complete shock.

"So this is what you meant..?" Taehyung said looking straight at me.

"Look Tae we can explain-" Namjoon spoke but got cut off.

"Get out of my sight." Taehyung said in the coldest tone I've ever heard him speak in. Namjoon and Yoongi rushed down the hall turning into another hallway.

I started coughing more and more blood came up, my body was an aching mess. Taehyung saw me coughing and rushed over to me.

"I'm so sorry Jungkook.. Fuck, fuck, why am I such an idiot to never have known this.." He started tearing up as he slapped himself.

"Stop it Tae." I said grabbing his wrist to keep him from slapping himself more.

"Let's get you cleaned up," He said while sliding one arm under my back and another under my knees lifting me up bridal style and carrying me to the bathroom. He then wet a paper towel and started wiping the blood off my chin, I couldn't help but notice his eyes were still puffy and red.

"Were you.. crying.. when I left on the rooftop?" I suddenly questioned. He then sighed slowly looking up towards me.

"Of course I was. Do you not know how it feels when someone you care about pushes you away? It really hurts Jungkook, it really does." He sighed.

I then took a deep breath trying to contain my tears, "But what hurts worse is when you have to push someone you care about away that you want to stay close to you.. just to protect them.." I sighed.

"Jungkook why won't you just let me help you?" He said a single tear falling down his cheek, "Do you not realize how much I miss our friendship from elementary and middle school? I know we've still talked here but Yoongi and Namjoon have gotten in the way.. I really miss you Kookie." He said using his hands to cup my face.

"I've missed you too.. but-" Tears were streaming down my cheeks at this point.

"Jungkook don't say it." Taehyung said, "I'm not going to stay away from you." My head shot up as he practically just read my mind as to what I was going to say, "I can't Jungkook. Do you know how much it's hurts to see you with those bruises.. remember how close we were back in middle school? I want to be like that again.."

"Taehyung.. I.. I can't let you get hurt. I'm sorry." I looked into his brown orbs that were now leaking tears, and with that I got up and walked, scratch that, limped out of the bathroom. As I shut the bathroom door I heard him slam his fist against the wall and scream. It hurts to leave him, it really does, but I would rather be hurt than him.

I slowly made my way out of the school trudging home. If I showed up at home right now I'd probably get beat again but at this point I don't really even care. What's the point of caring now? I just lost one of the most important people to me. Images of the look of hurt in his face flashed in my mind again as I was walking, the tears streaming from his brown orbs that I could get lost in instantly.

Before I knew it I had showed up to my house and to my surprise I walked into an empty house. Oh thank god hes gone. I sighed but immediately regretted thinking that as I had just jinxed myself because I suddenly heard a car pull into the driveway.

I instantly ran upstairs to my room and tried to be as quiet as possible so he didn't know I was here. He shouldn't come into my room, right?

I then got out my phone to see Tae had texted me again.

I know you probably won't respond to this but I just wanted to let you know that if you ever need me just let me know. I'll be waiting for you.. always. ❤️

He really shouldn't.. I'm not worth it

I then put the phone away in a hurry as I heard footsteps coming closer to my door. Oh no.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?!" My father said.

"I'm sorry dad I just.. I kept getting questioned and I had to leave."

"Well why would it matter anyway? You're probably telling them about me anyways like that Taehyung boy. Just know if I ever see him, ever. I'll kill him." That's exactly why I was pushing him away. I know my father well and I knew he'd say that.

"That's why I'm pushing him away. I'm giving up all my friends. I'm isolating myself. For you." I sighed.

"Good. Nobody wants someone pathetic like you in their life anyways." He said before exiting my room. I then took advantage of being alone and laid back into my bed trying to contain myself, but this was it. This was my breaking point. I couldn't hold in the tears anymore. I couldn't hide the hurt anymore. I screamed and cried for awhile. Making sure to scream into my pillow so my father didn't hear.

I screamed until my throat was sore. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore. At this point I couldn't feel anything anymore. I sat there staring at the ceiling. I felt nothing. I felt numb.

Then I drifted off to sleep. Dreaming of absolutely nothing.



Oh my.

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