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{Jungkook POV}

"...he leaned over and kissed you."

The words spun around my head and I gulped.

"Are you sure?" I asked. But before she could answer the door was opened,

"Is everything ready to go?" That voice, the voice I dread hearing the most. I looked at the doorframe to see my father standing there, the ugliest fake smile on his face I'd ever seen.

"Almost done, father." I said in a cold tone. He never once dropped the fake smile though, he never does. One of the many things he fakes when he's in public with me, but once we get home is when I get the punishment for whatever I'd done that pissed him off. In the past I looked at him in the slightest off way when we went to one of his meetings where I was required to go, and he beat me to a pulp as soon as we got home. I'm his punching bag, his personal prescription. He finds any excuse to beat the shit out of me.

"Alright, sirs well I need to notify the doctor you're leaving so he can give a final checkup before you're completely free to go. It'll be about ten to thirty minutes depending on how busy he is, so if you'd just wait here that would be perfect." The nurse suddenly said. I flashed her the 'don't leave me look', but she just winked at me, whatever that's supposed to mean. The final click of the door sounded and I turned my head to see my father sitting on the chair beside the bed tapping his foot.

He chuckled, "So.. thought you'd just get rid of me this quick, eh? You just put yourself in the worst situation possible. I don't like breaking promises, and you taking that knife for your friend blew the entire thing. Oh Jungkook, just wait until we get home." He smirked evilly.

"I told you that I didn't want Taehyung to find out, but the word got out and it got to him, and him being the caring person he is tried to help me, and I sure as hell will never regret taking that knife for him, because that boy is the best thing that ever happened to me. I love him. I love that boy with all my heart and nothing could change that."

"Taking that knife was a huge mistake, gay boy!"

Oops forgot he was homophobic.

"I'd take another knife from you for him in a heart beat." Honestly my attitude at this point is going to make this beating I get when I get home even worse.

"Oh believe me you don't have to, because next time the knife will be meant for you!"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and a man walked in with the nurse from a few minutes ago, and they both seemed pretty furious.

"I am so disappointed in you Mr. Jeon... Putting a kid in jail for something he didn't do.." The man said. My father suddenly stood up, instant panic covering his face.

The nurse held up her phone, "Looks like this recording of your entire conversation would really look good on your record." She then looked at him and smirked, "The jury will love this, won't they Mr. Jeon? And don't even try to run, I've already called the police."

My father then lunged forward trying to take the phone from her hands, before he could get to her I dived and tackled him to the ground. Saving the nurse from the impact.

"You little shit!" He said. He suddenly pushed me off and climbed on top of me, "I've had enough of you, this is your fault!" He then started punching my stomach where the wound that was almost healed was, and it instantly reopened, blood pouring out everywhere.

"Security!!" The doctor yelled while trying to get my father off of me. He continued trying to punch me but the doctor got his arms locked behind his back and security ran in with the police just in time.

"Quick, get him back in the bed, his wound reopened!" The nurse yelled grabbing my arms and the doctor assisting once the police had my father under control.

"Mr. Jeon, you're under arrest for attempted murder!"

Those were the last words I heard before I drifted into unconscious.



Didn't expect that now, did you?

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