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-trigger warning-

{Jungkook POV}

The bell finally rang and it was time for lunch.

"Finally." I sighed as I was packing my things. Time to go find Tae.

The teacher had left and as I was about to exit the classroom but was stopped by a tight grip on my wrist, "What the-"

But before I could finish I was slammed against the wall harshly, "Hey fag."

It was Mark, one of the most popular kids in school. What does he want with me?

"That's not a very nice word, Mark." I snapped back. His grip around my wrist suddenly got tighter.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk back, bunny." Mark said.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd let me go, thank you."

Bad choice.

He suddenly kneed me in the stomach causing me to topple to the floor in pain. He hit the exact spot of the scar.

"I told you don't talk back." He said harshly stepping on my fingers as I laid on the ground. I yelped in pain as he put more pressure on, and my eyes started welling up with tears, "it's a shame really... a guy like Taehyung is being dragged down by your disgusting ass." He laughed.

I didn't say anything back as he continued stepping on my fingers. Tears streamed down my face as he called me names,


I thought it'd never end until I heard a sudden voice call for him, "see you later, bunny." He smirked leaving me on the floor.

What did I do to these people?


I quickly got up, my stomach aching and my fingers stinging as I picked up my stuff and went straight to the bathroom so I could be alone.

As soon I got to the bathroom I threw my stuff on the ground. I slid down the wall on my back until my bottom hit the floor and I brought my knees to my chest.

This was it.

My breakdown.

Tears streamed down my face like a river as I cried into my knees ignoring the pain it brought to my stomach. I couldn't hold any of this in anymore.

I continued to cry for a few minutes until I heard the door open. I didn't bother looking up until I heard the familiar deep voice.

"Jungkook I've been looking every- baby?!" He said running over to me and placing his arms around me, "What happened baby?! Why are you crying?!" He asked worriedly.

I tried to get words out but all that came out was choked sobs as I put my knees down and pulled him closer. I needed his warmth, his scent, and his embrace.

"Calm down baby, it's okay." He said trying to calm me down.

"No it's not okay! It's not! I don't want to be here anymore Taehyung! I'm sick of all the pain, and there's only one solution!" I screamed as I sobbed into his shoulder. He froze and backed away, a look of slight anger on his face.

"One solution?! Really?! Jungkook have you even thought about me? And my feelings too? If you killed yourself... I'd might as well be dead too! Do you not think about the others around you that care about you?! I sure as hell am not letting you take your own life, the bastards here can suck it up because we've got each other and that's all that matters."


He cut me off with his lips on mine and everything just seemed so.. perfect in that moment.

"Please Kookie.. I need you. And so does the world." Taehyung said, caressing my cheek after he pulled away.

"B-but the bullies.." I mumbled softly.

"Kookie, I'll protect you.."

"Besides.. we graduate in a few months anyway.. and that's when our adventure really begins.."


Y'all not ready

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