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{Taehyung POV}

"Kim Taehyung, you're under arrest for attempted murder."

A chill went down my spine at those words.

"What? He didn't try to murder anyone!" Jungkook says.

"Sir, you must be mistaken. The charge is attempted murder.. of you." One officer says.

"He didn't try to murder me!" Jungkook spat.

"Well he's sitting right here with you, how do we know he's not brainwashing you? You're coming with us, Taehyung." The officer then grabs me by my wrists and cuffs my arms behind my back, "Besides, your father is the chief of the police department, Jungkook. He gave us the full statement."

"My father is lying." Jungkook's tone went cold after hearing about his father.

"I didn't do anything but protect Jungkook from that disgrace of a man!" I spat. I then looked over at Jungkook to see tears streaming down his face and the sight made my eyes water.

"Save it for the court room, kid." One of the officers spoke. They then started dragging me out of the room.

"No!" Jungkook screamed, "He's innocent! He was protecting me!"

"Jungkook, don't worry I have a lawyer!" I said before they slammed the door. I could hear the muffled screams of Jungkook. I looked around outside to see innocent stares from nurses, doctors, and other patients.

They all think I'm a criminal now.

Is this what I get for saving someone?


{Jungkook POV}

This is all my fault..

Why didn't I just kill myself sooner??
Taehyung probably hates me now..
And probably regrets even saving me..

I don't deserved to be saved.

Suddenly I heard the click of the door, I looked up to see a nurse walking towards me.

"Jungkook, you're being discharged. I'll help you pack your things." She said.

"Who is taking me?" I questioned.

"Your father."

"No! I'm not going with that bastard! He did this to me!" I pointed at my stomach where the bandages still were. She sighed.

"Yeah.. thought so. Just like the police, you don't believe a word I say. Thanks." I grunted.

"No.. in fact I don't believe them."

"What makes you say that?" I gave her a confused look.

"Listen, I was on duty the night you came in and I was one of the nurses assigned to take care of you. The minute you walked in that boy was by your side the entire time. He was screaming and crying, ordering us to make sure you were safe.. and we even had to call security to take him to the waiting room so we could operate on you." She chuckled, "Right after you came out of surgery we put you in a room and as soon as he was notified he came as fast as he could. Every day that you were here, he was here too. He would sometimes curl up in the corner and cry his eyes out, others he would simply just stare at you and whisper things to you."

"W-wow.. I didn't know that.." My eyes were watery as I didn't even know he cared that much.

"There's one more t-thing.." She looked at me nervously, "I just don't know how you'd react to this but I think you should know.."


"One night I was assigned to go change the fluids we supplied you and well it was around 2am so I peeked in quietly to not awake the boy but he was already awake. I was just about to announce my presence when..

..he leaned over and kissed you."



If you didn't get it.. he kissed him on the lips. ;)

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