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{Back to Jungkook POV}

And I'm sorry I never noticed the cuts and bruises on you.

(read 7:20pm)


A single tear fell onto my screen where my fingers were itching to respond but before I could the phone was suddenly jerked from my hand. I looked up to see my father with my phone in one hand and an alcohol bottle in the other... Oh no.. he's drunk..

"What is this?! You're telling people about me?! Remember what I said about telling people our little secret!" He spat.

"Dad, i-i'm sorry I didn't mean f-for him to f-find out, it-" I was cut off with a harsh slap on my face, feeling the sting from it immediately.

"Looks like I'll have to punish you." He said angrily dropping the phone on the bed and throwing the bottle, the bottle shattering in the process. He then approached me taking off his belt and wrapping one end around his wrist. He swung at my face a few times cursing and screaming at me, calling me names before everything went black.

I woke up on the floor where he left me after I'd passed out, my body aching everywhere, but I still had to go to school... Or I'd get punished again.

I sat up and limped towards the bathroom. I grabbed a few clothes on the way for a quick shower.

When I got in I felt the water hit my back causing me to yelp in pain as my entire back and chest was littered with purple and red patches. I sighed to myself and quickly finished showering, trying to ignore the pain.

Once I was done I got out and quickly got dressed. I was about to walk out when I caught a glimpse of my reflection, I looked in the mirror only to see my right eye was completely black and almost swollen shut. Damn it! Makeup isn't going to cover it this time.. I then sat there examining my face. A few cuts on my cheeks, and a busted lip.. and suddenly memories from last night flooded into my mind..

"You're worthless Jungkook!"

"Nobody will ever love you!"

"You are a disgrace to this family!"

Tears streamed down my face as I examined them more. I then snapped back into reality, wiping the tears away and grabbing my backpack, I'll just make up an excuse for my face, again.

I then quickly started walking to school. Admiring the cold breeze that made my stinging face feel better.

But once I got to school it was a complete disaster..

As I walked into the school building I spotted my friends and quickly tried to avoid them.. I was successful at getting to my locker without getting caught but once I slammed my locker door I turned around to see my two best friends standing there.

"Oh.. you scared me," I nervously laughed, "Hi Jin, Hi Hoseok."

"J-Jungkook.. w-what happened to you.." Jin stuttered looking at my face with complete shock.

"I just fell down the stairs. Don't worry I'll be fine." I said, trying my best to lie.

"Jungkook.. this is the sixth time this year you've 'fell down the stairs'.. and you've been avoiding us lately.. we literally haven't talked in days. What's going on?" Hoseok said, voice full of worry.

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