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{Jungkook POV}

Taehyung had left to go shopping since they were running low on food so he left once I insisted I was fine being alone. It took awhile but he finally did. So here I am, sitting on the couch in the living room of the shared apartment watching K-Dramas for no apparent reason and no interest.

"Hey." I heard a soft voice call. I looked over to see Jimin standing in the doorway.

"Hi." I said, quietly but still audible.

"Tae explained what happened.. but don't worry he left out all the personal stuff. I was worried you see, it isn't everyday you walk in on screaming and blood everywhere." He chuckled nervously, "Just thought I'd tell you."

"Okay." I said.

"But hey.. since you're pretty close to Taehyung why don't we try to be friends, eh?" He asked.

"Sure. Why not?" I said back. The emotion in my voice was completely drained as I was slightly losing it from all the screaming.

"How long have you known Taehyung?" He asked.

"For as long as I can remember. We grew up together. What about you?"

"Well.. we met through our parents. You see his parents are pretty close to my parents and we started hanging out since his freshmen year of high school. Say he's a senior now, what about you?"

"Same, but I started early and he started late. Kind of my parents fault." I chuckled at the memory. He got so mad when they kept him home for longer than he should have but immediately lightened up knowing I was going to school with him, "You see our parents had bad pasts and wanted us to always have someone to rely on, you know? It's kind of funny thinking how we'd end up here."

"Where are your parents now?" My face dropped and I could feel my eyes getting glassy, Taehyung must've left out a lot of information, "Oh! Was that personal? I'm so sorry.." He put his hand around me trying to comfort me as he saw the pain in my face.

"No, don't worry you should probably know," I took a deep breath, "My Mother passed away a few months ago. Ever since, my dad blamed it on me and took his anger out on me verbally and physically. He's in jail now though, thanks to Taehyung." I really haven't said thank you, have I?

"Ohh... Well I grew up in a nice loving home, which I am extremely and endlessly thankful for. I wish you had the same." He said looking at me sadly.

"It's okay.. as long as I have someone by my side I'm good, right? Taehyung has always been that someone for me." I smiled.

"Hey it's good to see you smiling again, kiddo." Jimin said, "Wait, how old are you?"

"I'm 17."

"Ah, I'm 19. I'm your hyung!"

"Okay, Jimin hyung." I giggled.

This boy really is sweet.

...Little did he know he would regret ever jumping to that conclusion so quickly.



Sorry this chapter is so boring and short fudofjddm

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