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It had been a few weeks since Taehyung and Jungkook had talked to each other.

Taehyung was always sending messages to the younger but never got an answer. He was growing more and more worried for the boy as the days went on. The boy grew visibly skinnier, showed absolutely no emotion and had different bruises in different places every few days. He couldn't help but feel guilty, but he couldn't do anything. Everytime he tried to talk to the younger he wouldn't respond or would just walk away, leaving him in complete and utter sadness.

Jungkook on the other hand was completely different. The only things that went on in his mind were the whispers of self hatred and Taehyung. He hardly ever ate as he grew more and more away from reality. He felt emotionless, and numb. He wasn't numb of feeling, but he was was numb with sadness. He felt he had been stripped of everything when he left Taehyung in the bathroom, but this was good for Taehyung, right?

At least.. that's what he thought.


"Why the fuck are you not eating? Are you trying to kill yourself?" Jungkook's dad said looking at the boy picking at his food, "I noticed you haven't been eating at all lately, how pathetic."

"And why would you care, huh? Maybe I do want to die. Ever thought about that?" The boy snapped looking up from his phone. He didn't know where this sudden confidence came from but he didn't care. He looked back down onto his phone, where he was rereading all the things Taehyung would send him, knowing he wasn't allowed to have his phone at the dinner table.

"What did you just say? And why the fuck are you on your phone? Get off." His father scowled.

"No thanks." Jungkook smirked. The boy obviously had grown to not care about how his father treated him anymore. I mean, he had nothing to live for anymore.. right? At least that's what Jungkook would always say to himself.

The man then reached over the table grabbing his phone from his hands, and when he saw he was texting Taehyung, he immediately started typing.


Looks like your effort to "save" Jungkook was really a waste of time. It's a shame.. really, because it's too late to do anything now..

He had pressed send right when Jungkook had reached over the table jerking the phone from his hands.

"You little shit." The man growled, already taking his belt off.

And that's when it started. It basically became a routine now, but this time was different. His father had grown more and more angry the passed few weeks seeing the boys new attitude towards him. Plus the message he had sent wasn't a lie.


{Taehyung POV}

My phone suddenly went off and I looked down to see it was from Jungkook and my face lit up, but once I started reading it my heart shattered.


Looks like your effort to "save" Jungkook was really a waste of time.
It's a shame really.. because it's too late to do anything now.. 

What is this supposed to mean? I'm so confused!

My heart started racing as panic surged through my body. I thought for a moment..

Fuck it I need to see him. I grabbed my coat and keys and ran to my car. If this text is what I think it's about then I'm not wasting any time.

I pulled up to his house and ran to the door. I didn't even bother knocking as I heard banging noises. I rushed into the dining room and the image before me was something I never wanted to see.

Jungkook's father was hovering over Jungkook with a leather belt wrapped around his wrist, and was whipping Jungkook non-stop. He was pinned against the wall, blood running down his face, his wrist looked broken.. but looked as if he wasn't even in pain...

His face had no emotion.

I rushed towards the scene quickly grabbing the belt from his father and throwing it across the room.

"Ah.. so I'm guessing you're Taehyung, huh?" The man grumbled angrily.

"Taehyung.. why did you come?" Jungkook's small voice said. I wanted to cry hearing how much pain and sadness was in the small voice.

"I'm keeping my promise, Jungkook." His father said. I was confused at that statement until,

"Dad, p-please don't h-hurt him. He means t-too much to me, p-please." He said, and I could hear his voice breaking. I turned around to see him trying to get up with tears streaming down his face.

Before I could rush to his aid I was stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist yanking me back, almost stumbling to the floor. I turned to see his father had tried to stop me and quickly felt pain in my left cheek. He just slapped me.

"No!" Jungkook screamed as he suddenly launched himself in front of me. I hadn't noticed that his father had grabbed a knife from the table until it was already in Jungkook's stomach.

I stared in horror at the scene as my rage kicked in. I quickly grabbed a glass plate from the table dumping off its contents and smashed the plate over the man's head, knocking him unconscious. I then quickly kneeled down by Jungkook grabbing my phone and calling an ambulance while trying to comfort Jungkook.  When I hung up I quickly threw the phone and held him in my arms. Tears started to build up as I examined him. He had cuts and bruises all over his face, blood was running down his his head, wrist snapped, knife in his stomach, and I finally saw an emotion on his face. Pain.

"J-Jungkook.. please don't leave me. P-please. If I would've known he was this severe I would've done something sooner. Im such a terrible friend I-" He suddenly cut me off.

"Taehyung?" He whispered, barely able to talk

"Yes Kookie?"

"I-it's.. o-okay hyu-hyung.." he started but his voice was fading,"T-taehyung I.." Before he could finish he went unconscious. He had taken so much of a beating that his body physically couldn't handle it anymore.

"You what?? Jungkook! Jungkook!" I started sobbing seeing the figure in front of me. I know he wasn't dead but just seeing him like this made my heart shatter, and he didn't even finish his sentence.

"It's okay, sir. We're here!" A sudden voice said. I looked up to see a few paramedics standing there with their supplies ready and I saw a few police officers behind them.

"Please help him!" I screamed, I was a sobbing mess at this point.

"We'll do the best we can, sir."



Mady at it again making this shit depressing

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