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My eyes fluttered open, it was bright from the early morning sun, but there was a figure in front of me blocking some of the light. My vision cleared and when I saw the figure sitting next to me I lunged forward, throwing my arms around them and bursting into tears. His fragrance that I missed so much filled my nose and his deep raspy voice spoke,

"Good morning to you too, Kookie." He chuckled.

"I'm so sorry Taehyung." I spoke through sobs. I felt so guilty he had to go to jail because of me.

"Sorry for what?" He asked.

"It's all my fault you had to go to jail, im so sorry Taehyung, I'm so sorry."

"Kookie, look at me," he grabbed my chin forcing me to look him in the eyes, "Don't be sorry. I don't regret anything I did for you, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. But.. instead I'd want to take the knife. Plus, it wasn't even your fault. If your father wasn't such an ass he'd been in jail a day sooner."

"He's in jail?" I asked.

"Yeah. They explained everything that happened to me, and im so proud of you. Taking the blow for that poor nurse was really brave, especially since you had just been stabbed a week before."

"Did they um.. show you the r-recording.." I gulped. I realized that the nurse had said she recorded the entire conversation, meaning everything I said too.. and I kinda admitted my love for Tae...

"No, but they'll be playing it in court, and we're required to go. Speaking of which is in a few hours, we should probably get ready."


I'm screwed.


{Taehyung POV}

We walked into the tall building that contained the court room. Once Jungkook was all ready and packed to go I put his suitcase in my car and drove him with me since he had no ride. I was actually really nervous for how this was going to turn out.

"Nervous?" I asked the boy trembling beside me.

"Nervous? I'm terrified." He said.

"Kookie.. don't worry it'll be okay, I'm sure your father is going to jail for awhile.

{Little did he know, that was not what Jungkook was worried about.}

"Okay, where do you wanna sit, Kook?" I asked him, scanning the room.

"The opposite side my dad is on, obviously."

"Okay, let's go." I then walked to the third row on the opposite side, taking a seat and Jungkook followed.

A few minutes later his father walked into the room in an orange jumpsuit and cuffs on. He immediately spotted Jungkook and I, and he gave us possibly the ugliest death glare I've ever seen. I turned to see Jungkook with glassy eyes and quickly grabbed his hand, it was sweaty from nervousness but I squeezed it tightly, trying to comfort him.. and grabbing his hand sent a warm and weird feeling through my body.. I don't know what it was but I didn't want it to stop. His father then sat down facing away from us and towards the front, and I loosened my grip on his hand but didn't let go. I never wanted to let go.

Then the court session began and we sat paying attention to every single detail.

The nurse from the hospital was then called to the stand with her phone in her hand, I assumed had the recording on it. I then felt Jungkook's grip on my hand tighten and I looked to see he was sweating.

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