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{Jungkook POV}

"So, this is my room."

I walked into the room examining it. It had a light grey theme. One part of the room caught my eye though, he had a few picture frames by his mirror of him and I, ranging from when we were babies to middle school. I walked over towards it and even picked one up, this one was on Halloween quite awhile ago, I was a bunny and he was a tiger. I smiled at the picture seeing at how happy I was back then.

I suddenly felt two arms wrap around me from behind, "I never got rid of any picture we took. I've always kept them framed." Taehyung said placing his chin on my shoulder while looking over it.

"My dad threw away all my photos.." I said, it made me tear up because I've always treasured those pictures and memories of Taehyung. It took me awhile to get over him throwing them away.

"Hey.. shh, don't cry, baby." He said turning me around and wiping my tears that suddenly escaped, but before I could stop myself more and more just kept falling. He then brought me into a hug.

"I've just.. I.. I love you, Tae. I've missed the us from so long ago, and I want it back.. but more." I whispered.

"What do you mean by more?" He asked. I leaned back and looked him straight in the eye,

"I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine." I said.

He giggled and then cupped my cheeks with his soft hands, "Of course, Kookie." He then leaned in giving me a soft peck.

Once we had the room sorted out for me to stay here we both sat on the bed, facing each other.

"So.. would you explain everything that happened with Yoongi and Namjoon.. only if you want to though!" He said, grabbing my hand in the process.

I simply nodded and then began, "Basically, I had noticed you were hanging around them two, so I walked up to them and introduced myself because well I wanted to be friends with your friends. When I did, they just ignored me, and when I came out as bisexual a few days later, that's when they started to notice who I was. They would come up to me when im alone and start calling me names for no reason. After a week or so of that is when they started beating me up. There was no schedule, it was just when they felt like it. They would scream at me and put me down for my sexuality. Saying that I'm worthless, disgusting, and that I didn't deserve to live." I then started sobbing uncontrollably, "The only reason I was pushing you away from me is because I didn't want you to get attached to me again because.. I planned on killing myself."

He pulled me into a hug and pulled me down towards the bed so we were both laying down. His arms were around me and my head was resting on his chest.

"Please don't ever.. ever do that to yourself Jungkook." He whispered.

"That's why I tried to stay away from you, that's why I always ran away. No matter how much my heart raced when I was around you, and no matter how much I loved you I couldn't let myself become close to you again. I didn't want you to have to deal with my death,"

"Well that plan wouldn't have worked anyway. I've always had feelings for you Jungkook. If you killed yourself I don't think I'd be alive much longer either." He sighed.

"I got close to doing it a few times.." I then sat up and pulled up my sleeves tracing my fingers over the scars. Some were deep and some were slightly there. Taehyung then sat up and grabbed my arm.

"You don't need to do this anymore either, Kook." He said, sadly looking at my arm. He then lifted my arm up towards he face and softly pecked some of the scars before easing it down and looking me straight in the eyes.

"I'm sorry I never noticed what was going on. I'm so sorry I was too stupid to realize it. I saw your mother as a second mother to me, and I never even knew she passed away. How did it happen?" He asked.

"Well.. it was a Monday morning and my parents.. they were both fighting over me.. it was over me.. and well my mom got really pissed and needed to cool off so she went for a drive.. I don't know how it happened but we found her car rolled over in a ditch. She had died on impact and luckily didn't suffer any pain. But ever since, my father had become an alcoholic and blamed me for it, because if it wasn't for me and my stupid decisions they wouldn't even had been fighting."

"Why were they fighting over you?" He asked, eyes glassy because he was close with my mother as well.

"They found my diary, and it had my feelings for you in it. My mom was so happy I had found someone, but I figured out that day that my dad was homophobic." I whispered. Ashamed I had even written those things.

"I'm so sorry Jungkook.." he said, sniffling. We then both lay back down and we decided to cuddle for awhile to calm each other down. My face buried in his neck, my arms wrapped around him, and his hands playing with my hair and using my head as a slight pillow. I could stay like this for-

"Hey you two what do you want to eat- oh sorry." Jimin suddenly barged in saying. Taehyung sat up,

"We'll find something later, right now isn't the best time." He then glanced back at me.

"Oh okay. Just let me know if you need anything." He softly said, he closed the door lightly and I heard light footsteps slowly fading away.



Kind of an explanation chapter ?? Idk lmao

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