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I was running down the street in the pouring rain, it had just now started to pour as I was walking home. I don't know why I was walking but I had a strangle feeling it was right.

I suddenly spotted a bridge, with quite a far drop down.

"No one would care anyway."
"No one loves you."

I was startled to suddenly hear this voice. Where was it coming from?

"Jump, idiot."
"The world doesn't want you here anymore."
"They're waiting.."

"STOP!" I screamed. I looked down towards my arms to see my scars were bleeding, and it wouldn't stop anytime soon.

"Kill yourself."
"Kill yourself."
"Kill yourself."

"No! No!" I suddenly realized this voice was coming from my head. It was starting to grow louder and louder. I reached my arms up pulling my hair trying to stop it. I screamed and cried but no one could hear me.

My legs started walking towards the bridge and up to the edge. I had no control over my legs and they just kept walking as if it was pure instinct.

"Kill yourself."
"Nobody loves you."

"NO! NO!" I screamed.

"Taehyung doesn't love you!"

My body then lurched itself over the edge, I then screamed and thrashed uncontrollably, but as I was falling everything started to fade away and I heard another muffled voice.

{Third person POV}


Jungkook was thrashing around. He was having a nightmare and was scratching at his scars that had started to bleed. Taehyung was trying to pin him down and wake him up, but seeing him like this made him weak and teary.

"Get off me!" Jungkook screamed suddenly opening his eyes.

"Jungkook... Jungkook I'm here." Taehyung reached his hands up cupping Jungkook's face in his hands. Risking the fact that he let go of Jungkook's arms and he was no longer pinned down.

"Just let me die Taehyung!" Jungkook screeched reaching to push Taehyung off of him. But Taehyung had different plans.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook pulling him towards his chest clashing their lips together. It seemed to work immediately as Jungkook's body froze and slowly calmed down.

"I'm here Jungkook." He whispered once he pulled away. He looked to see that Jungkook's eyes were wide open.

They were both covered in blood and Jungkook even managed to hit Taehyung in the face a few times. He was fully awake now and was still trembling but was completely aware of his surroundings now.

He suddenly lunged forward pulling Taehyung into his arms and sobbing, "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry, you had a nightmare." Taehyung said, immediately responding to the hug and pulling Jungkook onto his lap.

Suddenly a slightly angered Jimin barged into the room, "What the fuck is all this screaming- oh.." Jimin had walked into the room seeing blood all over the two boys and the bed, "What's going on?

"He had a nightmare. Just don't ask questions I'll explain later." Taehyung said signalling for him to leave. Jimin got the message and immediately turned around leaving the room.

"Let's get you cleaned up and you can tell me what happened, okay?" Taehyung said. The younger simply nodded and Taehyung carried Jungkook to the bathroom and started running a bath for him.

Once it was finished Taehyung turned around so Jungkook could undress himself and get in, the bath soon turned red due to the blood. Taehyung then turned around once Jungkook signalled he was in. Jungkook hissed in pain at the contact of the water and his cuts but soon eased into it.

Taehyung kneeled down next to the tub and helped Jungkook scrub the blood off and clean his cuts, "So.. what happened?" Taehyung asked softly.

Jungkook let out a deep sigh before he began, "I was walking down the street in pouring rain when I suddenly came to a bridge. Once I saw the bridge a voice kept whispering and telling me to jump. To kill myself. To end all my pain. I didn't listen to it at first but then it kept demanding and my body started running towards the bridge. I didn't want to jump but it said one thing that made my body push itself over."

"What did it say, Kookie..?"

"Taehyung doesn't love you." A single tear streamed down his face after saying this and Taehyung looked stunned.

"Jungkook you know that isn't true, right?"

No response.

Taehyung sighed.

"Kookie.. I really do love you. I just have trouble showing it, really. I've never loved someone before. It's because I've loved you, and only you. Sure I've had girlfriends in the past but it was never the same feeling." Taehyung then grabbed Jungkook's hand and squeezed it tightly.

"I couldn't control what they said Taehyung, they wouldn't shut up." Jungkook whispered.

"Do these voices appear in the real world?"

"No. Only in my dreams. It started when my mother died."

"It'll be alright Jungkook. I'll always stay by your side. Have you had a nightmare this severe before?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"No, it's always been just the voices and sometimes scenery. I've had suicidal dreams before too but I've never had someone become involved in the dream. It's always just been about me."

"I'll help you through it Jungkook. No matter what the cost I will always be by your side."

"I love you, Tae."

"I love you too, Kookie."



Kind of showing this side of Kookie just now to bring to attention at how good most people with depression and anxiety are at hiding things. No one knew this about Jungkook until just now when someone had slept beside him.

Depression and anxiety is no joke, I have it myself and the reason Jungkook is like he is, is because it relates to some of my personal experiences, and I like to express it through my writing.

I know this got really deep and serious but thanks for reading. It'll get better soon!


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