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I heard giggling as I was walking down the empty hallway. I always stay after class a bit to do my homework since.. well let's say my father doesn't really let me do anything I want to do.

The giggling got louder as I got closer to my locker. I turned the corner to where my locker was only to see the two faces I dreaded seeing, but wait.. they're in my locker!

"Oh look who decided to join us?" Yoongi smirked.

"Aww it's the little boy who lost his mommy and crushes on little Taetae!" Namjoon said making a crying face. I looked up to see them with the letter in their hands. My cheeks soon felt wet seeing as they had read the entire thing, I'm a dead man.

"Is the pussy crying now? Oh just wait until Tae sees this!" Yoongi giggled.

"Don't show him! Please!" I pleaded.

"You know we'd show him anyway, right?" Namjoon laughed.

I sighed. He was right, I couldn't do anything.

I then saw Yoongi approach me with the paper in his hands. He crumbled it up and threw it at my face.

"Oh.. man up." Yoongi groaned. I then felt a sting on my cheek, I raised my hand hovering it over my cheek covering the fresh slap. More tears streaming down my face.

They then both walked away leaving me alone in the hallway. I dropped all my books and punched the locker, "Why are you so weak, Jungkook?!" I screamed, "Why can't you just be a man?!" I continued screaming until my throat hurt.

I gathered all my stuff and walked towards the back of the school. I'm not taking a chance of running into them again. I opened the back door feeling the cold breeze strike the hot mark from the slap on my cheek causing it to sting, I ignored it though.. I mean it's just pain, right?

I started walking on the sidewalk, with my head down. The back of the school just had a track field and there was a few people running on it, but little did I know someone I knew was there.

"Hey Jungkook!" I heard a familiar deep voice speak. I looked up to see Taehyung standing right in front of me with his famous box smile placed on his face. Why does he always run into me at the worst times?

He always greets me when seeing me, we were best friends in elementary school but drifted once we got older because of two certain people..

"Hi Taehyung." I said, not realizing how broken my voice just sounded.

"Jungkook.. what happened to your cheek? You had a cut on your cheek this morning and now a bright red mark on the other." He tried touching my face but I quickly turned away.

"I'm fine." I said sternly.

"Jungkook you're not-"

"Leave me alone!" I said. Not being able to control it anymore tears streamed down my cheeks. I was about to walk away when suddenly he pulled me into his embrace, hugging me tightly.

"Jungkook I know we don't talk much anymore.. but I'm here for you." He whispered in my ear. I then pulled out of the hug looking him straight in the eye.

"You know, people always say that.. but they don't mean it." I said with an emotionless tone.

"Jungkook I actually mean it-"

"Save it Tae.. just go hang out with Namjoon or Yoongi." I spat, then sped passed him.



I'm so excited for this book, man.

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