Chapter 8

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Last warped performance in little rock.

Marley's point of view

Oh my gosh. This tour has been a wild ride.

So, Brian went through my song book. Ugh, he read the poem. He hasn't said anything. I've noticed that he is the only one who hasn't hooked up with a girl on the tour. I had some feelings for Zacky but he has been with so many girls, its disgusting. So thats a no. I still don't understand how the guys can say "do you want to come to my van?"  Thats just creepy. But they've had girls in there. Jimmy and I have gotten so much closer on this tour. Especially when I threw up on myself one night and he bathed me in the truck stop bathroom. Good times man. Me and Brian well....

"Good morning, my love."

"Good morning Slim Jim." I laugh.

"Ahem. Do I get a good morning?" Brian laughs.

I roll over and straddle him.


"That's more like it." He laughs.

"If Good Mornings are like that, I want one." Zacky laughs.

"In your dreams buttercup." I snapback.

I go and shower off and Brian walks in while I'm getting out.

"You mind if I shower?" He asks.

"Have at it."

He gets in the shower and starts singing. I join him and then the door flies open and Jimmy joins the song.

"Uh, Jim."

He puts a finger over his lips as he gets undressed. He hops in the shower with Brian. Who knows what went on in the shower.

A few hours later were all ready.

"Hey love, can you do my hair?"

"Sure Jim. How do you want it?"

"Something crazy."

I put a whole bunch of gel in his hair and style it. I style his bangs down and have the other parts of his hair going different directions.

"This is perfect. Might be my new signature look. Thanks." He bends down and kisses my cheek.

"Im next." Brian laughs. "Do whatever you want."

"Yes sir."

"Oooh. Kinky." Zacky laughs.

I keep the wave of his hair and put a little bit of gel in it.

"It would be cool if you wore like a fedora." I laugh. "Im kidding. I don't know if you could pull it off."

He frowns. "You wanna bet?"


"Okay, when we get back. I'm buying a fedora."

Last concert.

"Before we get started. Can you guys please cheer for Val and Marley!" Matt yells.

We get up on stage and the guys start to sing.

"Lets put on a show for the crowd and the guys. Let out your inner stripper." Val whispers in my ear.

We start dancing and the crowd goes wild. I swear, even more people came to watch us dance. Zacky and Johnny come by me and dance with me. Well, the slightest dancing they could do with their guitars. The show ends and they guys high-five Val and I.

"Our names will definitely get out there." Jimmy laughs.

We are walking back to the van to start our journey home. All the guys are in front of me. I hear footsteps behind me. I start to run. The footsteps speed up. The person grabs me and spins me around.

"Fuck you." I laugh. "You scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry." Brian laughs.

He picks me up and heads to the car.

"I just didn't want anyone to swoop up. I would if I saw someone dancing like that." he grins.

"I think you already did." I kiss him on the cheek and get in the back seat. Matt offered to drive. Brian climbs in and sits next to Zacky and Johnny.

"So Jim, what was something about this tour you will never forget?" I ask.

"Probably that time you fought that chick that was talking shit about us." He laughs.

"Hey, she pulled my hair first. I wasn't going down without a fight."

"What about you Marl?" He asks.

"Probably when we convinced Johnny that he could beat up Zacky."

"That was pretty great." Zacky laughs.

"Not for me. My face is still swollen." Johnny whines.

"At least you didn't get tackled by a girl and she won the fight." Brian says.

"Ah...good times. You know not to mess with me." I laugh.

We sit in the car laughing about the dumb things we did during the tour. Eventually, Jimmy passed out on my lap while I was playing with his hair. Zacky and Brian fell asleep on Short Shit. Val was passed out. The only ones awake were Matt and I.

"Matt? What was your favorite thing about this tour?"

"Probably getting our name out there, the memories. Johnny getting the shot beat out of him. You fighting Brian and when Jimmy had to take care of you like a kid." He laughs.

"Good answer. I bet your favorite part was getting together with Val."

"You're right about that. I've never been happier."

"Thats great Matt. I'm glad you found someone."

"What about you? You haven't dated anyone since Caleb." He asks.

"Well... I don't know. I honestly thought Caleb was the one. I pictured my life with him. But you know the  story. I list feelings for him yada yada yada. I guess since then I forgot how to love, ya know?"

"Yea. I understand that. I thought the same thing about Sidni. But Val, changed it for me."

Me and Matt talked for hours until I fell asleep. I hear Brian and him talking about some girl. Well, there goes my chances. The way he was talking about her made me wish that it was about me.

Brian's point of view

While Marley was asleep. Matt and I talked about her. I was saying how she made me feel. He told me to write a song about her. Maybe I should. 

I'll be with you here until the end.            ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now