Chapter 17

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Home from the tour.

I wake up in Brian's bed and reach over for him. He's not there again.

He has been gone all the time. I feel like he's seeing someone else? Nah, he couldn't be. Thats a clićhe. He loves me. He's showed it to me plenty of times.

I can't help the thoughts I have.

Am I not good enough?

Am I a bad kisser?

What did I do wrong?

I decide to stop wallowing in self pity and tell myself there has to be a reasonable explaination for this.

I get in the shower and start singing my favorite song "Warmness on the soul."

I give my heart to you, I give my heart cause....

"Nothing can compare in this world to you." I hear Brian sing back.

"Brian!" I squeal from the shower.

"Can I join?" He asks.

(Time skip. Y'all little nasties. No smut for y'all. Sorry for the disappointment #sorry not sorry)

*Brians phone rings*

I go to answer it becausw he's taking a nap.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey Bri Bri!" A woman says from the phone.

"Who is this?"

"Uh, who is this?" The woman says with a tude.

"I'm his girlfriend. So fuck off."

"I can make you from his girlfriend to his ex in a flash." She spats.

I hang up, grab my keys and start driving to the beach.

I knew he was.


This fucking sucks.

I knew this was going to happen.

How could I let myself become so invested into someone for them to turn around and do this shit to me?

Maybe theres a reasonable explanation for this.

How could there be one?

I park my van and start walking along the shore. I purposely left my phone in the van. I need some time to think without Brian calling me every two seconds.

I sit in my spot. I haven't been here in a while. Last time I was here was when my asshole of parents left me. Nobody knows this spot. At least I hope not. Wait, only my brother know.

Despite the shit he put me through I miss him. Me and him were so close. It kills me to know I drove him away.

Oh yea. I fucking drove Brian away. Good one Marl.

I seem to mess everything up. My parents always fought over me. My brother and I fought and now he's gone with me.

I don't show Brian alot of affection lately cause I'm depressed again. Especially after Jason. It has put a toll on me. I started cutting again. Brian doesn't know cause he's never home and seems to not love me anymore.

Wait, no. More like confirmed it today.

I lean back against the rock and slowly start to drift to sleep.

*5 hours later*

I wake up shivering and I look to see myself at the beach. I thinks it's one in the morning or something.

I get up and start heading back to my van.

I hear people yelling my They're screaming it.

I walk more and hear sobs.

I walk more to where I can see my van and start heading towards it.

"Ma'am? Have you seen....." I turn around to see Jimmy's eyes bloodshot and his face wet from tears.

"Marley..." he whispers in disbelief.

I run into him.

"I'm so sorry Jimmy. I didn't mean to scare you. I came here to think." I sob.

"Look. Let's go tell Bri...."

"The hell with him. Some girl called earlier. I was suspicious of him seeing someone else. I just couldn't believe it an..." I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn to see Brian standing there

"That girl." He laughs. "That girl was my sister in law."

"Oh okay." I scoff.

"WHAT THE FUCK MARL? I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU. i thought you were dead marley jade." He trails off and cries.

"Oh baby, I'm really sorry." I cry.

He hugs me and realises I'm shivering.

"Here. Take my jacket. We will talk more on our way home. Jim, ride with her. I don't trust you with my car."

He gives me a peck on the cheek and walks me to my van.

"Please don't ever do that to me again." He whispers.

He walks to his car as Jimmy gets in my van. I turn on the car and crank up the heat.

"Ugh its hot. Grab this side so I can take my jacket off."

He grabs my arm a little to hard from where I used my blade. I wince and he notices.

"Are you hurt?" He says pulling my sleeve up and scanning over my arm. I'm to late to yank it away.

The rest if the ride is silent. Yep. He noticed.

We arrive back at my house.

"Please don't tell Bri." I beg.

He ignores me and walks to Brian. I follow.

"We need to all have a talk." Jimmy syas glaring at me. We walk in and sit down. I put a blanket over me.

Jimmy told Brian what he saw.

Brian then saw for himself what I did.

"Marley. Why?"

"Cause you've been gone all the time. I felt like I was pushing you away and you didn't want me anymore. All the stuff that Jason did to me while on tour still haunts me. Im not okay Bri." I look down and try not to cry.

What happened next, changed my life forever.

I'll be with you here until the end.            ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now