Chapter 7

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Warped continued

Brian's point of view

We pile in the car and start our drive to Arizona. But there is still something on my mind.

The kiss.

I know this sounds cliche but I'm falling for her. But I know she doesn't feel the same. It was "just a kiss." Nothing more. I was trying to prove a point. I ended up proving one to myself. You know what? Whatever. Its nothing. Im just overthinking,right? Yea, I am. I drift off to sleep.

"Boro, scoot over." Marley whines.

I groan and scoot over so she can lay.

"Come here Marl." Zacky says.

She cuddles up to him. Why am I mad? She does this all the time. It's nothing. I notice that we stopped at a truck stop and were sleeping there. I need some fresh air. Matt apparently did too. He's already outside. I go and join him.

"Want one?" He asks holding a pack of cigarettes.

I grab one.

"Do I have a chance with Val?"

"What's that about?" I ask.

"I don't know man. She's just so perfect and she's everything I want in a girl. But I don't want to ruin our friendship."

"I know how you feel."

"Really? Marl?" He asks.

"Yea, I had kissed her to make some dude go away. But it made me realise that I love her more than friends. Seeing her laying with Zacky made me kinda jealous. I don't know what to do man." I bury my face in my hand.

"Its okay man. We'll figure it out eventually."

Then we hear the van open.

"Jimmy you're fucking disgusting!!" Marl yells.

All I hear is the guys laughing and I see Val running out too. Marl plops down next to me and lays her head on my shoulder.

"Men are disgusting. I'll just go after women if I have to deal with that. Or if I could find a guy like you. There no in between." She laughs.

Someone like me? Maybe she feels the same. Maybe not.

I offer her a cigarette.

"So. Were showering here and stuff then were letting the van air out." She laughs. She finishes her cigarette and grabs her stuff to shower.

"Dude. Someone like you." Matt laughs.

"Hmm.....what if she's thinking the same thing?" I laugh. "That'd be great."

"You never know. We'll get Jimmy on board. But it looks like Zacky is tryna get her." He points at them.

Zacky is tickling her. All I see is black. Why the fuck am I jealous? I shouldn't be.

"Boro help!!" She laughs.

I run over there and scoop her up. She wraps her arms around my neck.

"What would I do without you? Like seriously. You have been through everything with me, you're like my super hero. Well, my tattooed, bad ass, superhero. So thank you." She smiles.

"No problem. You are the Marl to my Boro." I laugh.

She kisses me on the cheek and ran to the shower. What an idiot she forgot her clothes. I walk to get her clothes and find a notebook titled "songbook". Hmm. I run to give her clothes. I come back and open it. Pffft... It's a diary and song book. There's one titled "my best friend."

You were the one from the start.

You will be the only person with my heart.

I don't know if I could last another day, knowing that you might not stay.

You will find a girl, she'll win your heart.

While mine will be falling apart.

But you only look at me one way.

Nothing more than what you say.

I fall apart everyday.

Hoping that it's not our last.

It hurts knowing you will never know.

But I will always be the Marl to your Boro.

Holy fuck. She feels the same. I can't believe this. I need to talk to Matt. This tour may not be so bad after all.

Marley's point of view

Did I ever mention my feelings for Brian?

I'll be with you here until the end.            ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now