Chapter Six: The Little Matchmaker

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"Hooray!!" The children cheered as the minibus drove away from Ashdene Ridge and set off for Blackpool. Isla was sat near the back of the bus beside Charlie, and Jody and Tyler were sat together near the front. Jody hadn't spoken to Isla since their 'little' conversation but Isla was keeping her eye on both of them, wanting to know every detail.

After a few minutes of driving, Isla turned to Charlie

"What do you think about Jody and Tyler?" She whispered

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know"

"I think they are just friends"

"What, like you and Alex"

Charlie turned to Isla, shocked.

"When did you become The Little Matchmaker?"

Isla thought she would leave it there. However, she decided that she liked Charlie's new nickname for her and thought she would tell Jody later. If Jody ever came around to speaking to her again that was. Isla The Little Matchmaker. She grinned at her new nickname.

After about an hour of driving, and an hour of the younger kids singing various holiday songs, Mike decided to stop at a service station so everyone could use the bathroom and stretch their legs.

Jody marched off the bus the second they stopped, eagerly tagging behind Tyler. She was still trying to find out what was wrong with him. Isla decided to forget that she was 'The Little Matchmaker' for a moment and focus on shopping in the service station shop.

In the end, she decided to buy a bar of chocolate for the rest of the journey and then decided that she was set and didn't need to buy anything else. While she was waiting for Taz and Floss to decide which sweets they wanted, she wandered over to the clearance rack. Something instantly caught her eye. Some very sparkly letter key chains for only 50p!

Isla bought a J one for Jody, a C one for Charlie and an M one for herself. M for matchmaker. Isla used the keychain as her own little promise to herself. That she would be a brilliant matchmaker, and that she would eventually match Jody and Tyler together.

They soon set off again and were well on their way to Blackpool. However, this time driving didn't go as smoothly. It starting raining really hard, but then it wouldn't be a proper English holiday without rain. Then Mike took multiple wrong turnings and they ended up in the countryside, in the middle of nowhere, in the pouring rain and mud.

To cheer everyone up (well, they tried to cheer everyone up) the younger kids decided to sing 'I do like to be beside the seaside':

"Oh! I do like to be beside the seaside!
I do like to be beside the sea!
I do like to stroll along the
Prom, Prom, Prom!
Where the brass bands-"

The minibus came to a holt. Everyone jerked forward, bags flying everywhere. The minibus had stopped. Luckily, on a quieter road which not many people use. Unluckily, in the middle of nowhere with no phone signal.

"What happened, Mike?" Taz shouted

"I believe we have broken down Taz"

Everyone sighed. Their holiday was only an hour and a half in and already it had come to a holt.

"I'll go and take a look," Mike said getting out of the bus

"I'll help you," Tyler said. He was using any excuse to get away from Jody. He had been awkward around her all day and didn't want to be near her.

After a while, Tyler and Mike came back in.

"I think there is something wrong with the alternator, " Mike said. Everyone sighed.

"And there is no phone signal, so I think we should wait until the rain stops and then go and find some help"

"But that could be ages!" Jay protested

"Sorry, but what else can we do?"

Mike was right, there really was nothing else they could do. So they sat on the minibus and waited and waited and waited. The rain kept hammering down like there was no tomorrow and it didn't look like it was coming to a standstill anytime soon. Since it was way past one o'clock and everyone was getting very hungry, May-Li passed around the sandwiches she had made for lunch. Then there was nothing else left to do, but wait.

So that is how Isla got the nickname 'The Little Matchmaker'. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Come back tomorrow to find out what happens next!

From writingrabbit6 xxx

The Little Matchmaker | Jody and Tyler | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now