Chapter Fifteen: Fixing Things

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"I can't believe you talked me into this!" Charlie hissed

"Be quiet and get on with it!" Isla said giving Charlie a push forward.

Charlie sighed and knocked on Jody's door.

"Come in!" Jody called.

Charlie reluctantly entered. Isla stayed outside and pressed her ear against the closed door so she could make sure Charlie was saying all the right things.

"Hi, Charlie. Are you alright?" Jody said, turning away from the homework she was doing.

"Um, yeah, well actually, May-Li says it's our turn to weed the garden" Charlie stuttered

Jody wrinkled her face with confusion "I thought Isla was helping you"

"Um, No. Isla has gone to do the shopping so May-Li said you have to help me instead"

"If you say so" Jody sighed. She left her room and headed to the garden

"There! are you happy now?" Charlie said once she had left

Isla came out from where she had been hiding and put her hands on her hips.

"Charlie!" she said, "You have to go with her!"


"Because you said you were both doing the weeding"

Charlie sighed and followed Jody down to the garden. Now it was Isla's turn to speak to Tyler. She grinned, her plan was actually working! She found Tyler in the living room watching television.

"Tyler," Isla said, as innocently as she could, "May-Li said you had to help me weed the garden"

"I thought Charlie was helping you," he mumbled, still staring at the television

"She was, but she went to do the shopping instead"

"Alright," he got up and left the lounge.

Yes! Isla's plan was actually working! All she had to do now was lead Tyler outside....

Isla suddenly realised what she had done. She had told Tyler that Charlie was at the shops, only she wasn't at the shops, she was outside doing the weeding with Jody. And Tyler was about to find that out.

"Hang on!" she shouted. She looked around the lounge to think of an excuse "You need to go and get the, um, weeding tools"

Tyler seemed confused but he complied and headed in the other direction to get them.

Now, Isla had about five minutes to get Charlie out of the garden without being seen by Jody! She hurried outside. Charlie and Jody were kneeling at the end of the garden.

"Charlie!" she hissed. She gestured for her to come towards her. Isla watched as Charlie made an excuse and left Jody alone.

"Did you do it?"she said. Isla nodded. Now all they had to do was wait. Charlie didn't want to wait. She had to really go and do the shopping, but Isla stayed and watched. Tyler walked out into the garden. He looked around for Isla, before he spotted Jody.

"What are you doing here?" he said sitting next to her

"Charlie said I had to help her weed the garden"

"That's funny because Isla said I had to help her"

Jody sighed "She's been playing matchmaker again, hasn't she!"

Tyler laughed and then they sat in silence

"So when are you leaving?" Jody asked, aggressively digging in the dirt


"You know back to your mum"

"Are you still angry about that? Jody, I was going to tell you-"

"You waited until Isla pushed us together till you finally cracked" Jody yelled

Tyler didn't say anything.

"We're best friends and you didn't tell me!"

Tyler looked at the floor "I didn't tell you because I wanted to make up my mind first"

"What is there to make up, you're going back to your Mum, it's what you've always wanted"

"But it's not!" He snapped. He stared straight into Jody's eyes, "I needed my Mum before, but now..."


"I don't want to leave you, Jody. I can't lose you"

Tyler took Jody's hand.

"Everything's going to change now isn't it" she said

"Yes, but maybe that's not such a bad thing"

And then they kissed, and everything was alright.

***************************************************************************************So this is the end of the book! I hope you enjoyed it. Please read the notes on the next page!

From writingrabbit6 xxx

The Little Matchmaker | Jody and Tyler | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now