Chapter Twelve: Saying Sorry

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'This can be found on a golf course
But it is not a blade of grass
Instead, it's something that's grainy
And is found in an hourglass'  

"What on earth does that mean?" Floss said with a sigh. She looked at the riddle again "Why did Mike make them so hard!"

"It's easy Floss. Just look around us, where are we?" Isla said. Floss and Taz looked. The clues had led them to the beach.

"I know!" Taz said "it's-"

'sand!" Floss shouted finishing Taz's sentence. She wrote 'sand' in the answer box "Come on then, let's get on with it"

Floss and Taz walked off together looking at the clues. Isla stayed where she was. She couldn't care less about Mike's treasure hunt, she needed to find a way to fix things between Jody and Tyler.  She looked out to sea. Even though it wasn't a particularly nice day, it was still a beautiful sight. The bluey green sea shimmered at the faint sun peeking through the grey clouds.

"Come on Isla!" Floss called. Isla didn't realise how far they had walked without her. They were nearly halfway up the beach. She raced after them.

The next clues led them to the arcade on the pier.

  'I have writing on me but I'm not a piece of paper
I have a head but I'm not lettuce
I'm made of metal but I'm not a robot
I have a tail but I'm not an animal
I can be tossed but I'm not a salad' 

"I hate riddles!" Floss grumbled, clearly getting frustrated

"It's ok Floss, just think. What is around us?" Isla said


"So it's something to do with arcades"

Taz and Floss thought. Isla did too, but none of them could work out the answer. Isla saw Tyler, Ryan and Alex entered the arcade. They were all looking at their clipboard, so they didn't see Isla and her team.

Ever since yesterday, Isla had felt so guilty about what she had done. She had tried to think of a way to fix things, but couldn't. The only thing she could do now was say sorry. So she took this as her chance to say sorry to Tyler.

She left Floss and Taz to solve the riddle and ran over to the boys.

"Can I talk to you?" she asked. Tyler nodded and they walked away from Ryan and Alex.

"Look, I know I'm probably the last person you want to talk to, but I just want to say, sorry. I'm sorry I told you about how Jody felt. I shouldn't have, It was wrong of me. And I know you don't feel the same way, but please don't hold it against her, please still be her friend. I know you probably hate me now, and I'm ok with that. I understand" 

Isla breathed. She had just blurted out everything she wanted to say, and now it was said. She felt like a weight had been lifted off her chest, even though another two weights were still there, she felt lighter. After a moment of silence, Tyler finally spoke.

"Why would I hate you? In fact, I should be thanking you"

Isla didn't understand. "thanking me. Why should you be thanking me?"

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