Chapter Fourteen: Hatching a Plan

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"Jody? Jody, are you even listening?"

"What?" Jody said, turning to look at Isla.

"Were you even listening to anything I just said?" Isla moaned

Jody bit her lip. She hadn't been listening to Isla at all.

"Sorry" she mumbled, staring back out the window. Isla shuffled closer to her on the sofa.

"Why won't you just tell me happened?"

Jody shook her head.

They had been home a full two days now and Jody still hadn't told Isla anything. Tyler hadn't said a word either, in fact, Jody and Tyler were now both ignoring each other.

"Honestly, first Tyler was ignoring you, then you were ignoring him, now both of you are ignoring each other! Why did I even bother!" Isla yelled, storming out of the living room.

Jody sighed. She didn't want to tell Isla. It was none of her business. And anyway, it was all Tyler's stupid social worker's fault! She had to go and mess everything up! Jody knew that Tyler would go and live with his mum. There was no doubt about it. He missed his mum, and Jody knew he would jump at the chance to go back and live with her, and if he did then she would have to say goodbye. And that was something, she didn't want to do. She hated goodbyes.

Isla stormed into the kitchen and dipped her finger into the white icing Charlie had left on the counter.

"What are you making?" she said, licking the icing off her finger

"Cupcakes" Charlie said, opening the oven and pulling out the cupcake tray.

"Isla!" she growled, suddenly seeing Isla eating her icing. She tugged the bowl of icing out of Isla's hands and started smoothing it onto the cupcakes.

"You have to wait for them to cool before you ice them," Isla said

Charlie moaned as the icing dribbled down the side of the cake. Isla was right.

"Alright miss cleverclogs!" Charlie paused, "What are you doing in here anyway?"

"I give up! I tried to help them! Some people just can't be helped!" Isla shouted, sitting down at the dining room table

Charlie frowned "Who?"

"You know, the two lovebirds in the other room"

Charlie frowned again.

"Jody and Tyler, who else"

"Are they still not talking?" Charlie asked, sitting opposite Isla.

Isla shook her head

"Well, why not?"

"How should I know?"

"Well find out"


"I thought you were supposed to be The Little Matchmaker"

Isla thought. Yes, she was supposed to be The Little Matchmaker, and she wasn't finished until Jody and Tyler were matched together.

"Right, I need a plan!" she said, standing to her feet "We need to get Jody and Tyler alone so they can talk!"

"We?" Charlie questioned, "I'm not helping!"

"Oh yes you are," Isla said, "You started this, and now you have to help me finish it! Now, what should we do?"

Charlie and Isla thought. What could they do?

"I know!" Isla said.

She smiled. She had a plan. She was The Little Matchmaker, and The Little Matchmaker never fails.

Sorry this is such a short chapter! I had such trouble writing it and I really had no ideas! But I still hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to comment and vote and come back tomorrow for the next chapter! The next chapter will probably be the last, and I am kinda sad because I had such fun writing this book!

From writingrabbit6 xxx

The Little Matchmaker | Jody and Tyler | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now