Chapter Thirteen: Going Home

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Jody ran. She didn't actually know where she was going. Her eyes were full of tears and she couldn't see clearly. She heard Tyler calling after her, but she didn't stop, she just kept running, until she came face to face with Isla.

"Jody!" She said, grabbing her by the shoulders. She looked at her tear stained eyes.

"Oh Jody, what happened?" She asked

"Where are the others?" Jody whimpered. She frantically looked around the small row of shops, Sasha and Charlie were nowhere.

"They've gone back to the minibus, I said I'd wait for you"

Jody nodded, but then broke down into tears once more. She never cries, but this time she couldn't help herself.

"Oh Jody, is this because of me? Did I ruin everything? Oh, I'm so sorry" Isla said. She sounded as if she might cry herself.

Jody shook her head

"Did Tyler say something?"

Jody looked at Isla. He did say something. Then he kissed her. But Jody couldn't remember that part of her memory, all she could remember was the rest. 'Going to live with mum, going to live with mum, going to live with mum' ringing over and over in her ears.

Isla could tell that Jody wasn't going to answer her question.

"Come on Jody, let's go back to the minibus, let's go home"

Jody wiped her eyes and let Isla lead her away.

"There you are!" Mike said as they approached "Why aren't you with your teams?

"We had something else to do," Isla said, not wanting to go into too much detail

Mike crossed their names off his list. He and May-Li were standing at the entrance of the minibus making sure they didn't leave without anyone.

"Are you alright Jody?" May-Li asked, looking rather concerned.

Jody couldn't say anything. A large lump had formed in her throat and she feared that if she spoke she would break down crying again. So Isla had to speak for her.

"She's fine," she said. The girls walked onto the minibus. Isla saw that her and Tyler's team had made their way back, they saw her too.

"Thanks for leaving us with the boys!" Floss shouted

"Yeah it wasn't our responsibility to look after them" Alex shouted

"Sorry," Isla said, she looked at Jody "I had something important to do"

"More important than your team?" Taz said

"Yes actually. But you managed to make it back to the bus without me"

"But we didn't win"

"Who won?"

"Finn, Joesph and Archie!"

Isla tutted, she really didn't care. She and Jody sat down near the front of the minibus beside each other. Everyone was here. Everyone, except Tyler. After a while, Mike came onto the minibus and started asking everyone who had seen him last.

"He went with Isla"

"He went with Jody"

Jody was the last person to see him, but Jody wouldn't say where he was. She didn't know where he was, but she did have a faint idea. She kept her lips buttoned and didn't say one word.

After a very long wait, Tyler arrived back.

"Where have you been?" Mike said

"I was looking for Jody"

"Tyler! Jody is on the bus!"

Tyler sighed and boarded the minibus. He saw Jody. They both gave each other an awkward glance as he walked down the isle. He sat alone at the back.

"Right, let's go home" Mike said, shutting the door "did you have fun?"

"Yes" everyone chorused

"Good" Mike said. He removed his backpack and began rummaging through it until he pulled out three colourful sticks of Blackpool rock.

"For the winners" he said passing one to each Finn, Joesph and Archie. The boys smiled with delight.

Mike sat at the drivers seat and they set off for home. It was a very quiet journey. Well, for Isla it was anyway. Jody kept her lips tightly buttoned the whole journey.

"What was the answer to the second riddle then?" Isla asked Taz

"Alex told us, it was coins"

Isla nodded politely. Jody was still very quiet.

"Jodes" she said, gently shaking her arm "why don't you tell me what happened?"

Jody didn't say a word. She didn't even look at Isla, she just stared in front of her for the whole journey.

They soon arrived home. Everyone stepped off the minibus. Isla was glad to be home. Everything looked the way it did before. The same grass, the same garden, the same house, it all looked the same.

Everyone raced into the house, carefully lugging their large backpacks and suitcases off with them. Jody went inside, so did Tyler, but before Isla did she caught Charlie by the arm.

"Charlie, I just want to say, this morning, I was angry and cross and I didn't mean it. I don't hate you, and I don't blame you"

Charlie smiled wide "I know" she said walking inside the house.

Isla breathed. The last weight had been lifted off her chest, and she felt considerably lighter.

The answer to the second riddle is coins.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment and come back tomorrow for the next chapter.

From writingrabbit6 xxx

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