Chapter Eleven: Teams

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This was the lowest of the low. Jody was completely ignoring Isla. She was furious with her, and for good reason. Jody wouldn't even look at Isla and Tyler.... oh Tyler. Jody wouldn't even go near him. She avoided him like the plague. Isla felt like she had ruined their friendship, and she had.

She didn't want to be The Little Matchmaker anymore. She regretted that name, that promise she made to herself, she even regretted leaving home! She thought she would never regret that, but she did. If she didn't leave home she would never have ruined things for Jody and Tyler. They'd still be best friends and nothing would have changed. And so for the first time in weeks, Isla wanted to go home.

"Get up Isla! Isla get up!"

Isla sat up in her bed. It was Charlie.

"Go away!" Isla murmured, pulling the duvet up over her head. She really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, but Charlie persisted.

"Your missing breakfast and we have to check out of the B&B" Charlie sat on the end of her bed "Don't make me send for May-Li!"

"I'm not getting up! I'm not going downstairs! I want to go home!"

"We are going home today"

"Not to the dumping ground, back to my real home!" Isla shouted

"I thought you hated it at home?"

"I do, but I hate it at the dumping ground too now. How can I go back and share a room with Jody, when she hates me?"

Tears prickled in Isla's eyes and started streaming down her face.

"She doesn't hate you, she just wasn't too happy with what you did," Charlie said, trying to comfort her.

"Well, it's all your fault!" Isla yelled, sitting up in bed

Charlie was a bit taken aback "how is it my fault?"

"If you had never given me the nickname of The Little Matchmaker then I wouldn't have tried to match Jody and Tyler!"

"You can't blame me for that!" Charlie was getting shouty now too "You did this Isla. Not me! You can't blame me for something that you did!"

"Well, I'm going to. It's all your fault! I hate you!" Isla shouted

There was a moment of silence. Isla realised what she had just said. There was now another thing that she regretted.

"fine" Charlie said very calmly "you want to lie in bed all day, so be it"

And with that, she left, and Isla was left alone. She curled herself up into a ball and hid under the duvet. She cried and cried and cried.

When Isla finally got out of bed, she wasn't quite sure how long it had been since Charlie had left. She wasn't even sure if she had fallen asleep again or not.

By the time she got downstairs, breakfast was finished and everyone was packing their bags into the minibus. Isla walked past everyone towards Mike and May-Li. Jody, Tyler, Sasha, Alex and Charlie glared at her, but nobody else did. Maybe nobody else knew what she had done.

"Here you are Isla, you missed breakfast," Mike said. He looked at Isla's tear stained eyes "are you okay?"

"fine" she replied, though she wasn't fine. Not really. Mike seemed to believe her though.

"Right you horrible lot! Our last day in Blackpool and this is what I want you to do" he fiddled in his backpack and pulled out some clipboards "You will need to get into teams and follow the clues to answer the riddles-"

"How do we answer the riddles?" Joseph asked

"The riddles are written on your sheet and the answer will be something to do with where the clues have led you. Then the first team back to the minibus are the winners!"

"Is there a prize?" Floss asked

"You'll have to wait and see. Now get into teams"

Everyone scrambled around getting into teams. Tyler approached Jody.

"Jodes. Can we not just talk about this?" he said

"Just leave it Tyler"

She stormed off into a team with Sasha and Charlie and Tyler teamed with Ryan and Alex.

Isla wasn't sure who to team with. She looked at Jody. No matter what Charlie said, Isla still thought Jody hated her.

The truth be told, Jody didn't hate Isla. But that didn't mean she wasn't angry. In fact, Jody was furious with Isla. Isla promised that she wouldn't say anything, and she did, and now Isla was standing alone. With no team.

"Isla," Taz said quietly "has something happened between you and Jody?"

"why would you think that?" Isla whispered back

"You've been acting a bit strange"

"No Taz, everything's fine" Isla lied

Taz grabbed her by the hand. "Come on," she said pulling her towards Floss.

"What are you doing?"

"You're on our team now"

Isla smiled. At least now she had a team.

Thanks for reading! This is was my favourite chapter to write so far. It just flowed off the page and I never had to stop and think about what to write next! Let me know if you liked it too! Come back tomorrow to find out what happens next!

From writingrabbit6 xxx

The Little Matchmaker | Jody and Tyler | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now