Chapter Eight: Better Than At Home

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May-Li and the children waited outside the reception at the campsite, while Mike and Tyler went in to find out if they had any vacancies.

"You see, we have broken down and we need somewhere to stay for just one night" Mike explained

The plump man behind the desk didn't look too impressed. He had big round glasses on his nose and short grey hair. He stared at them with a blank face.

"Do you have any vacancies?" Mike repeated

"Have you got a booking form?" the man said

"Well, no..."

"Then I'm sorry, all the caravans are fully booked anyway, and I don't suppose you bought a tent with you"

Mike and Tyler shook their heads

"Thought not"

Mike and Tyler sighed. They came to the conclusion that this man was not going to budge. Now they would have nowhere to spend the night. They turned around to leave the reception.

"Wait!" A voice called

Mike and Tyler turned back and saw a tall thin woman coming out of the staff door behind the desk. She had blonde hair and was wearing a tight black dress with bright pink lipstick on her lips.

"You said you broke down?" she said

Mike and Tyler nodded.

"I told them there were no vacancies," said the man behind the desk

"Yes, thanks for that Bobby," she said glaring at the man. She then turned to smile at Mike and Tyler "I'm Kelly and I have a tent that you can borrow"

"Thank you," said Mike

"It's this way," she said, starting to walk out the door

"I'll just go get the rest of the kids," Mike said, leaving the reception.

"Kids?" The woman said. Her face went white and she clearly wasn't prepared for what she had got herself into. She turned to Tyler.

"How many brothers and sisters do you have?"

Tyler laughed "A few"

The young people started streaming through the door, one after the other. Clearly not 'a few' kids. Kelly was in disbelief.

"How many kids do you have?"

"Sixteen," May-Li said "We are from a children's home. I'm May-Li"

"Right," Kelly said, clearly processing the mistake she had made "Let's go"

Everyone followed Kelly out of the back door. They walked along the concrete paths through the campsite. They saw many people with tents and caravans. She led them past the main campsite and down a small path and into a separate garden. There was a large house here. It had pretty flowers growing from plant pots and had swishy trees blowing in the wind. The house itself was white and sort of like a cottage. It had a large chimney on the roof and crystal clean windows and a white door.

"Whose fairytale house!" Candi-Rose exclaimed with excitement

"That would be mine," Kelly said "I run the campsite so I live close by in case Bobby needs help"

"Really close by" Jody muttered. She wasn't really focusing on where they would be spending the night, she was more worried about Tyler who was still acting strangely.

Kelly led everyone up to the front of the house. She made everyone wait outside the front door while she went to find the tents, clearly not wanting a bunch of care kids to mess up her house.

At last, she emerged with two tents.

"Since there are quite a few of you, I found two tents," she said

"Thanks very much," Mike said

"Hang on! All of us in together, that's never going to work!" Sasha said

"Well, we have no other choice. Thank you Kelly" Mike took the tents off Kelly. After she directed them to two empty tent spots they left the fairytale house and re-entered the main campsite.

Mike and the older kids set to work pitching up the tents, while the younger kids played charades.

It took a long time to set up the tents, but once they had finished it actually looked alright. Even Sasha was impressed.

May-Li sent Mike to get them some dinner from the shop down the road, while everyone else played rounders. 

After dinner, everyone was sent to bed. Isla lay awake.She wondered if anyone else was still awake. Jody certainly wasn't, she was snoring really loudly. Usually, Isla could sleep through it, but today she couldn't. Maybe it was because they were in a tent, or maybe it was because she was thinking of her plan as The Little Matchmaker. 

She decided she needed some fresh air, so ever so slowly she crept out of the tent and stood outside in the dark. She loved the countryside, especially at night, when she could admire the crescent moon and the stars in the sky. She breathed in and the fresh countryside air filled her lungs.

"What are you doing out here?

Isla turned around. Charlie had followed her out of the tent.

"Couldn't sleep over Jody's snoring?" She continued, stepping out of the tent and zipping it back up

"Everyone else seems to be managing," Isla said

"Trust me, I bet no one in that tent is actually asleep"

Isla laughed "I suppose not!"

"though even sleeping in a tent is better than at home" Isla mumbled

"Don't you like it at home?" 

Isla looked at the floor and shook her head "I hate it. I was so happy when my social worker came to take me away"

What could have been so bad at home that Isla's wanted to leave? Charlie thought. She went to ask Isla another question, but Isla spoke before she could.

"Anyway," Isla said "I'm going back to bed. Goodnight"

She went back into the tent, to try and get some sleep.

(Sorry this chapter is up so late! It was my brother's birthday yesterday so we were out all day for his party and then we had a power cut so I had no internet to publish it)

Poor Jody is always getting teased for snoring! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote and come back tomorrow for the next part!

From writingrabbit6 xxx

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