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Thanks for reading!

I really hope you enjoyed the book because I really enjoyed writing it. 

I will probably be taking some time now to read back through the story and make sure there are no mistakes and I will add some more description to break up my long lines of dialogue!

I am also thinking about writing a sequel, which would probably be about Isla matching someone else together and I might even write a mini-sequel  (if that's what you call it) about what happens next for Jody and Tyler. I will hopefully even go into more detail about Isla's past in those stories.

However, I will not be publishing the sequels just yet as I really need some time to think about it and to plan the storylines.

I might also be writing another Jyler book, which will be unrelated to this one, but again, I will need some time to plan it.

But like I was saying, Thank you for reading my story and I hope you enjoy the sequels.

From writingrabbit6 xxx

The Little Matchmaker | Jody and Tyler | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now