Chapter Four: The Dog

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Getting inside the dumping ground, without anyone seeing them was going to be a challenge. Taz and Archie went first to see if the coast was clear. There was no one in the kitchen, so they crept in. They crept past Mike and May-Li in the office, and past Jody and Tyler watching their film, and finally, they ran up the stairs and into Archie and Joseph's bedroom, shutting the door behind them.

The dog heard the door bang and decided he didn't like being locked in. He began to bark, and bark, and bark. The three children panicked as they tried to shut him up. Joseph covered the dog's mouth with his hands and tried to hold him still.

"Shut him up, Joseph!" Taz shouted.

"Quick someone will hear!" Archie yelled. But it was too late. Someone had already heard, and that someone was walking over to their room.

Isla burst inside the room and as soon as the door opened, the dog stopped barking. He settled quietly on the bed and rested his head on Joseph's leg.

"Why do you have a dog in here?" she asked.

"We found him," replied Taz, stroking the dog's soft fur.

"Well, then why haven't you found his owner?"

"So we can keep him," Archie said.

Isla walked over to the three small children and sat on the bed beside them. She stroked the small dog.

"You have to give him back. He has an owner, somebody who loves him and is probably missing him."

The three children sighed.

"Okay," mumbled Taz.

"We just thought everyone would like a new dog after Mischief left," Joseph admitted.

"You had a dog called Mischief?" Isla asked.

Suddenly, coming from downstairs, there was a loud bang from a door slamming. The dog jumped off the bed and raced down the stairs, barking as he went. Isla knew this wasn't good. All four of them immediately ran after him. The dog raced into the kitchen and the lounge until he stopped in the hallway, barking at the front door.

It wasn't long until everyone appeared, simply staring at this white dog and at Archie, Joseph, Taz, and Isla.

"Why is there a dog in here?" Jody shouted.

"I knew you three were up to something!" May-Li said in disappoint. "What were you thinking?"

"Can someone shut that stupid dog up," Ryan yelled.

Isla looked at Archie, Joseph, and Taz. She knew they meant well, and she couldn't let them get told off.

"May-Li," she said. "Don't tell them off, they meant well. I found the dog in the garden and we decided that it was best to keep him safe upstairs in my room–"

"My room!!" Jody butted in.

"Jody's room," Isla continued. "Just until we found his owner."

May-Li looked at Archie, Joseph, and Taz. "Is this true?"

They nodded.

"Well that was good of you Isla, but next time just tell us first," Mike said. "Can someone please just take the dog outside?"

Archie and Joseph led the dog outside while everyone else scattered. Taz turned to Isla and wrapped her arms around her, giving her a big hug.

"Thank you," she said and left to follow Archie and Joseph.

Isla smiled, feeling rather chuffed with herself. What an eventful first day. She decided that all she wanted to do now was to go upstairs and read her favourite book.

A while later Jody came upstairs and sat on the end of Isla's bed.

"I know you didn't find the dog," she said.

Isla put her book down and sat up further in her bed.

"I left you in this room, so you couldn't have found the dog," Jody continued.

"How do you know? I could have gone downstairs after you left."

"Tyler and I were in the lounge, if you had come downstairs, we would have seen you."

Isla sighed. Jody had a good point.

She bit her lip. "Are you going to tell Mike?"

"No," Jody said. "I'm not going to tell Mike. You did a nice thing."

Jody got up and headed for the door.

"Why do you hate me?" Isla asked suddenly, just as Jody was about to leave the room. Jody stopped.

"I don't hate you; I just don't like sharing my room," she said, and then she left.

Thanks for reading! I tried to write an unrelated storyline for the last two chapters, but I'm not so sure if it worked out ok. Let me know if you liked it! The next chapter will be focusing more on Jody and Tyler.

From writingrabbit6 xxx

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