Chapter Ten: Soggy Sandwiches

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The holiday was soon over. They only went away for six days, and one day was taken up by the campsite drama. So that only left five days in Blackpool, and they made the most of them.

Day three of their holiday was spent at Blackpool Zoo. Then afterwards a stroll along the pier. Isla bought some special Blackpool rock and Jody bought a huge stick of candy floss. They munched on their treats and then, along with Sasha, had a paddle in the very cold sea. Then after a long and busy day, they had Fish and Chips for dinner.

Day Four of their holiday was spent at Blackpool Waterpark. It was Isla's favourite outing of their holiday. They slid down huge slides and swam in the large heated swimming pool. Tyler was a bit happier today, enjoying himself to some extent. But he was still ignoring Jody and avoiding her. He went around the Waterpark with Ryan. Jody didn't seem to mind. She was a bit fed up with him.

Day five of their holiday was spent at the Blackpool Tower followed by a picnic in the park for Lunch. This was when The Little Matchmaker, made a huge mistake.

"I hate soggy sandwiches" Finn moaned. May-Li was handing out their picnic sandwiches. It was tuna and cucumber, however, because they had been in the picnic basket all day, they had gone soggy.

"I'm sorry Finn, that's the only food we've got" May-Li replied, giving Isla a sandwich. She walked over to where Jody and Sasha were sitting.

"How did you like the Blackpool Tower Jody?" Isla asked, sitting beside her. Jody wasn't paying attention, she kept looking in Tyler's direction. Ryan, Alex and him were practically sitting on the other side of the park.

"I think Tyler's ignoring me" Jody mumbled, ignoring Isla's question. She went all quiet until she realised what she had just said.

"Not that I'm bothered by it! I couldn't care less. He's an idiot" she said, giving Isla a death stare as if to warn her not to say anything.

After they had finished lunch, Mike and May-Li let everyone explore the park. Isla went on a walk with Jody, Sasha, Charlie, Alex and Tyler.

Jody walked ahead with Sasha, and Charlie and Alex followed behind them, chatting away. Tyler was slowly following behind. He kicked the dirt path, getting his trainer all dirty. Isla knew what she had to do. She had to ask Tyler.

"Tyler,"  she said, running up beside him and slowing down to walk at the same pace as him

"Yes" He replied

"You know Jody?"

"Jody? No, that name doesn't ring a bell" Tyler joked. 

Isla elbowed him "I hadn't finished. Well, anyway, I was wondering, you know you have been friends for ages"

Tyler hesitated "yes"

Isla "well..."

Isla paused. She couldn't get the words out and she really didn't know what to say. She glanced over at Jody, Sasha, Charlie and Alex further down the path. This was the perfect opportunity, yet she couldn't say it...

"Isla?" Tyler said, cutting off her train of thought "You were asking me something"

Isla breathed. Time for a new approach.

"Jody, she is very fond of you"

Tyler gave Isla a blank look.

"Are you fond of her?" she asked

Tyler's face stayed blank.

He's not getting it! Say something! Say something quick! Isla thought to herself

"I just want to know if you admire her, no admire is the wrong word....." Isla stuttered.

This was so much easier with Jody! She thought

"Isla, what are you trying to tell me?"

They stopped walking. Isla bit her lip.

"I want to ask. Jody, do you care for her?"

"She's my best friend"

"No, but more than that. More than a friend"

Tyler pulled a face. Not the reaction Isla was hoping for.

"So that's a no?" Isla asked

Tyler giggled "I didn't say that"

"So it's a yes"

Tyler looked at the floor "it doesn't matter" he said.

He started to walk down the path again, much faster than before. It seemed like he was trying his hardest to get away from Isla.

Isla raced after him, she still didn't have an answer. 

She needed to reassure him, and there was only one way to do that. She was about to break her promise

"It's just," she said, as she ran up beside him "Jody fancies you!"

Tyler stopped. Everything went quiet like the whole world was silent. Isla had said it quietly but they had run much further down the path than she realised. She hadn't realised how close they were to the others. They were within hearing distance, and Jody had heard. Tyler turned to Jody.

"Jody..." he began. Jody didn't want to listen and she starting pacing further down the path away from him.

"How could you?" Sasha said, following her. The others followed too, even Tyler.

Then Isla stood alone.

And now we are up to day six of their holiday. The current day.

The Little Matchmaker has broke her promise! Come back tomorrow to find out what happens next! Don't forget to vote and comment!

From writingrabbit6 xxx

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