Chapter Nine: I Promise

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"Why are you all so tired?" Mike asked the girls gathering outside their tent the next morning.

"Jody's snoring kept us up all night!" Sasha laughed

"I don't snore!" Jody yelled

"Jody, we all know you snore," Isla said.

Jody rolled her eyes.

"So what are we doing today Mike?" Isla continued

"Well Isla, once the breakdown services have arrived we will continue on to Blackpool and then you guys can explore!"

So that was Mike's plan, but Isla was hatching her own plan. Her own plan to match Jody and Tyler together. She figured that if she got Jody to admit how she feels and then got Tyler to admit how he feels, then she could reassure them that they both feel the same way and then abracadabra! The Little Matchmaker has succeeded!

Although the more Isla thought about it, the harder it seemed. How on earth was she going to get them to admit that! She decided to start with Jody. They weren't the closest of friends, but they shared a room and Isla figured she could get through to her. It was time to put her plan into action. And so, Day Two of their holiday began.

Sure enough, just like Mike said the breakdown services came to fix the minibus. Mike and Tyler met them up at the minibus while everyone else packed away the tents. They thanked Kelly for her kindness and then they were met by Mike and Tyler, in the now working minibus, who had come to pick them up. Then away they went to Blackpool!

After about an hour of driving, they arrived. Mike and May-Li had booked a Bed and breakfast hotel to stay in.

Mike led everyone into the reception. They sat on the sofa's and waited while Mike checked them in and explained why they were a day late for their booking. It was quite a nice little B&B. Cosy in some ways. It had greyish carpets, white walls and pretty vases on the desk, full of red roses.

Once they were checked in, Mike showed everyone to their rooms. Isla was sharing with Jody, Sasha and Charlie.

Once they unpacked, everyone met back down at the reception.

"Mike, can we go and explore now?" Taz asked

"Yes, but make sure you stick together!" Mike answered

Everyone agreed and set out around Blackpool.

"Do you want to come with us?" Jody asked Tyler

"Em, I think I'll go with Alex and Ryan. You guys can do your girly thing"

"Girly thing? Me?" Jody giggled "You know I'd much rather go with you"

Tyler gave Jody a fake smile and without a word left the B&B with Alex and Ryan.

"Cheer up Jodes! Let's go explore the beach" Isla said, taking her hand and leading Jody out of the B&B.

Jody, Sasha, Charlie and Isla headed onto the beach. They went for a little paddle in the sea, but upon dipping their feet in, realised it was freezing!

After an ice cream from the ice cream van, Sasha suggested they go on the promenade.

They strolled along the promenade and played in the arcade. Jody noticed Ryan, Alex and Tyler in the arcade too, though she didn't say anything. He looked happy for the first since in ages.

Maybe it's because he is not with me? Jody thought

She realised she was moping about and tried her best to enjoy the day.

After their lovely day out, everyone went back to the B&B to get ready for their evening out to see the Blackpool Lights.

Isla breathed. She was standing outside her room. Everyone else was downstairs getting ready to go out. Everyone except, Isla and Jody. Isla had been sent to hurry Jody up and instead decided too take this as her chance to ask Jody about Tyler.

She raised her hand and knocked. There was no answer, she entered anyway. Jody was sat on her bed.

"Jody" Isla muttered

"Hi Isla," she said, "Is it time to go?"

Jody got up from her bed and grabbed her jacket.

"Jody, just wait. I wanted to ask you, something" Isla said

"Oh ok, what?"

"Well" Isla began "you know back at The Dumping Ground, when I was talking to you about Tyler"

Jody sighed, she could see where this conversation was going "yes I know"

"well, I just want to know. I just want an answer. Do you fancy Tyler?"

"Oh for goodness sake Isla. Not again!" Jody said, her cheeks turning red

"I just want to know!"

"It's really none of your business," she said

"Just give me an answer"

"No Isla! Why do you even want to know!"

"I just want to"

"BUT WHY!" Jody shouted

"I JUST DO!" Isla shouted back. It was becoming a little shouting match now.







"YES!" Jody shouted. The room went silent. Jody realised what she had just said, and how loud she had said it. She sat on her bed and brought her voice down to a whisper.

"You can't tell him Isla," she said "Please don't tell him"

Isla sat beside her "Why not? This is a good thing isn't it?"

"But what if he doesn't..."


"Feel the same. Then everything would be ruined and I would lose my best friend"

Jody looked like she was about to cry. She took a deep breath.

"Please Isla, promise me you won't say anything"

Isla thought for a second. How could she possibly promise not to say anything when that was part of her plan? Isla figured that if Jody knew Tyler fancied her too then she wouldn't mind Isla going back on her promise. So Isla happily agreed.

"Ok," she said "I promise"

Jody has finally admitted her feelings about Tyler! Do you think Isla will keep her promise? I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote and come back tomorrow for the next part!

From writingrabbit6 xxx

The Little Matchmaker | Jody and Tyler | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now