Chapter Seven: Camping

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When the rain came only to a pitter-patter, Mike decided it was time they make tracks.

"Right you horrible lot! Let's get moving!" He slapped his hands together when he spoke, while everyone else got their bag ready to go.

They set off walking down the road away from the minibus. It was definitely going to be a long way, to wherever they were going. They actually didn't have a lot of places they could go. They had somehow ended up in a small village with big hills and windy roads, and not that many houses or shops.

It started raining once more, and giant puddles filled along the road. They took refuge under a tree but in the end, they made a run for it and finally found a pub.

The exhausted children sat at a table while Mike went up the man at the bar to ask him for directions.

Isla used this time to give Jody and Charlie their presents.

"Where's mine?" Tyler asked with a cheeky grin on his face. It was the first time Isla had seen him smiling all day.

"I didn't think you'd want a sparkly keychain!" Isla giggled

"Are you kidding? Tyler loves sparkly things!" Jody teased. Tyler stopped smiling and looked at the floor.

"Tyler, I didn't mean it," Jody said, worried she had hurt his feelings

"It's not that..." he said.

Tyler got up and went over to where Mike was talking to the old man at the bar. Jody knew he was hiding something but decided to not go after him this time.

She noticed the M keychain hanging from Isla's bag.

"Why did you buy yourself an M keychain?" She asked

Isla took this as the perfect opportunity to tell Jody about her new nickname.

"Oh, it was something Charlie said, she called me The Little Matchmaker"

Jody could tell this had something to do with their conversation earlier.

"Just forget about that Isla" She whispered

"I will not! I'm very proud of my new nickname! And anyway it's not only about you"

Jody wondered who else Isla was planning on 'Matching' together but then Mike and Tyler came back over to the table.

"I have spoken to the breakdown services and because a few roads are flooded they can't get to us until tomorrow"

There was an extra loud sigh from all the children.

"Where are we gonna sleep?" Archie said

"Are we still going to Blackpool?" Finn said

"What about dinner?" Floss said

"Guys! Guys! Please!" Mike said. Once they had quietened down he continued "the man at the bar said that there is a campsite a few streets away, so we going to go and see if they have any vacancies"

"And if they don't?" Sasha said

"Then we will find somewhere else. Grab your bags and let's go!" He was trying to make it sound like an extraordinary adventure but was failing. No one was impressed and no one was happy to be spending the night at a campsite.

Even so, they did as they were told and followed Mike. They walked up a few streets and over some hills until in the distance they spotted the campsite where they would be spending the first night of their holiday.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did please vote and comment! Come back tomorrow to find out what happens next!

From writingrabbit6 xxx

The Little Matchmaker | Jody and Tyler | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now