Chapter 1

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^^^Beautiful Miss Mary^^^^

First day of school gurl!!!
Katy texted, making me want to graduate already.

Yeah... we all know Katy... you do know it's just gonna be normal like always.
I texted back with a poker face emoji.

But I have a feeling THIS year will be different not only for me BUT for YOU too!🤪
She texted.

Oh really? Well keep dreaming..speaking of dreaming, get to bed already!
I text.

Okay! I'll call you to let you know if Matt is going to pick us up for school tomorrow okay? Do you think Ashley would want to come to school though?
She asked.

Don't know,but it wouldn't hurt to ask.. anyway, call me when you wake up, you ARE my alarm clock anyway. Goodnight.
I text.

Goodnight, TTYL!❤️❤️❤️
she texted.

I text, putting my phone away.

In case you didn't know, Katy,Matt, and Ashley are my 3 friends. First: Katy is the type of girl who would get excited easily for anything, she rarely crys.

Second: Matt is a boy who would always try to get the ladies,but they either end up slapping him, or rejecting him

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Second: Matt is a boy who would always try to get the ladies,but they either end up slapping him, or rejecting him. But luckily he has us 3 girls to stand by his side to help him. He is cute sure but a bit to shallow.

Third: Ashley is a shy girl, she doesn't have that much friends,and is always interested in finding a boyfriend

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Third: Ashley is a shy girl, she doesn't have that much friends,and is always interested in finding a boyfriend. She has a crush on Matt but we can't let him know!

 She has a crush on Matt but we can't let him know!

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I heard my phone ring, and it was Katy calling me.

"Hey,you do realize it's like 5 in the morning!" I yell, while stretching. I'm not exactly a morning person.

"I know,but I decided I wanted to come over to your place to get ready for school. That way it could be useful for Matt." She says, excitingly.

"Let me guess your here?" I asked.

"How did you know!" She jokes, sarcastically.

"I'm coming.." I hang up and ran downstairs to the entrance.

"HI! Sorry, but it is the first day of school and you need to get ready.. plus I have something to tell you." Katy quickly ran to my room, as I closed the door.

When I entered my room I saw her already looking into my closet.


"Come on, just pick whatever.. I don't really care what people think of me." I said,sitting down on my bed.

"Ugh! This year is your year MISS Mary and you need to get a boyfriend. Luckily I brought some cute clothes with me." Katy quickly dug in her bag.

"You know I'm not interested in boys right now.. plus I have to graduate first. What is it you needed to tell me anyway?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, you still haven't noticed?"

"Noticed what?"

"Look out your window."


I looked out my window and saw a moving truck right next door.

"Great new neighbors." I sighed and looked at Katy.

"YEP! And this might be good for you! Because what if you have a cute boy moving in and his room is right across from yours? AWE that would be so CUTE and LUCKY!" Katy walked up to me and handed me some clothes to wear.

"I'm not interested Katy for the last time." I repeated.

"Who knows? You may just change your mind.. okay now go change, you still have to do your hair." Katy pushed me towards the rest room to change.

I was wearing a blue cute shirt, with dark jeans, and light blue sneakers. It almost looked like she was trying to make my blue eyes stand out.

I brushed my teeth,did my business and walked back to my room.

"Okay now what are you going to do with your hair?" Katy asked getting her clothes ready.

"I dont know.. ill just wear a ponytail with a blue bow." I answered.

"Okay well you go ahead and ill be in the restroom." She left and headed to the bathroom.

As i do my hair, i put alittle bit of lip gloss and check myself on the mirror.

Katy finally got ready, by the time I saw her I was surprised by her outfit.

She was wearing a purple dress and let her red wavy hair down with purple sneakers.

"How do I look? Does this make you think I'm single?" She asked turning around.

"HA! Sure... but you look really pretty." I said standing up and grabbing my bookbag.

"Not so bad yourself Mary, now come on Matt just texted me saying that he's here." She grabbed her bookbag and started to head out.

I followed her outside, in case your wondering my parents aren't home right now..they come back from work every afternoon, to pick me up from school.

As we got in I asked," hey isn't Ashley coming?"

"She said she was getting a ride from her mom so I guess it's just us 3." Matt answered.

'Poor girl.. I guess we won't be seeing her this morning' I thought and just smiled, and looked away.

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