Chapter 19

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"Hey, mom she's here." Addis introduced.

I saw her beautiful eyes sparkle as she sees me and smiles big. "Oh welcome Mary! You look so cute on your outfit!"

I blushed and looked at Addis's reaction. Addis turned red and chuckled, "Mom somethings burning."

Her mom quickly jumped up and ran towards her kitchen. I giggle and see Alice sketching something in the living room.

"Hi Alice! Whatcha doing?" I asked, looking over. "Oh hi Mary, im drawing you and Addison."

I immediately turned red when she drew two people sexually kissing each other. "Um... Thank you..?" I almost wanted to faint.

"What is it Mary?" Once i pointed to Alices drawing he just turned it away quickly.

"Alice?! What made you draw such a thing?!" Addis yelled.

Alice giggled, "Because momma thought she could hang this in her room!"

Addis looked at his mom and his mom just giggled. "I just thought maybe.... i could see my son for once kissing a girl."

I blushed and thought... His mother never saw him kiss a girl? Wouldnt he go for every girl?

"Anyway! Dinner is ready steady! Addison would you mind doing the work for Mary." She told.

Addis nodded and gently grabbed my hand. "M-lady would you mind me guiding you to the dining area?"

I quickly took my hand away and gave him a smirk, "Im not your lady 'Addison' but if you instist."

He chuckled and just wrapped his arms around my shoulder, "Well then imma have to guide you like this."

I roll my eyes and smile, "Sure, just take me already."

"So thats what really happened in your prom?" His mother asked.

I nodded and continued to eat my food. I caught Addis staring at me and i just pull my tongue out.

"Are you guys dating yet?" His mother asked.

I jumped up and blushed, looking at Addis. "Well... im not sure." He chuckled.

"Aw come on honey! You know i always wanted you to find your princess!" She groaned.

I look away, not knowing what he will say. "Mom i know.."

"Um, May i use your restroom?" I asked standing up.

"Ofcourse go ahead, its in the hallway and turn left on the first door." She smiled, as i nodd.

Once i finished using the restroom, its like im eavesdropping over and over again at the same location in a house.

Because all i hear is Addis and his Mother talking.. "She'll fall for you Addison. I know it! I can see it in her eyes already."

"Mother, how could you know that?" Addis nervously asked.

"Because of the way she giggles at you, and the way she blushes every time i mention you both dating or you both in love. Have you seen her reaction on your sisters art?" His mom explained.

I start to notice she has a point. I mean.. i do keep blushing around him and even when we kiss, but im still not sure if i love him.

"Mom, shes a very, very talented girl. Any guy would want her. Shes even hard to get at this point because of her dad! Thats what i love about her. She doesnt care who or what people do to her to make fun of her. She doesnt care if shes not populer. Shes such a nerd in Math and such geek in Science. Her laugh would want to give you goosebumps and her smile would make your day! Her beautiful eyes would sparkle every time she sees happiness in you. She cares for so many people and shes been through so many in the past. Mom shes not like any other girl out there who just likes to hang out with me because i can sing, because im good looking, because im flirty.. shes a girl who likes me because i never gave up on her. She laughs at my stupid jokes, she sarcastically makes fun of me, she rejects me but because she knows that any guy like me would get any girl. I love her so much, i dont EVER in my life want to hurt such a precious girl like her.. she means so much to me and i dont want you to force her to like me...I love her, and if she ends up not wanting me.. ill be fine as long as i have to wait for her heart to come." Addis cried out.

His whole speech made me forget that i was right behind him, listening to every word he just said.

His mother spotted me and smiled, "Ill leave you two be." As she left i sat next to Addis hugging him.

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