Chapter 21

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"Yawn!" I stretch and find myself in some ones room.

Oh yeah... i forgot.. i spend the night at Addisons house..

When i looked around i saw Addis next to me laying down, sleeping calmly.

"I should get going." I said to myself and stood up, walking towards the window.

"Goodmorning Mary." I felt his arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"You scared me Addis. Morning.." i hug him back.

"What time is it?" I asked him after i combed my hair in his bedroom.

"Oh Suger.Honey.Iced.Tea.. we're late!" He yelled quickly.

I checked my phone and its already 10 o'clock!!

I quickly just borrow one of his sweaters and put it on, leaving my hair down.

When i looked to see where Addis went he was in his closet.

As i enter i see him shirtless, while putting a shirt on the wrong way.

"Addis.. need help there?" I blushed. He quickly took of the shirt and blushed red at me.

"N-no ill be fine." He puts on the shirt and just mess around with his hair.

"Ive never been this late before in my life!" I yell, running outside with him.

"Hey... you're wearing my sweater." He chuckles.

"It is very confortable, very soft and warm.." i hugged myself.

He gave me a smirk and opened the car door for me."My lady."

I smile and enter the car. "Thanks."

"Oh man.. what if people think wrong about me dressing like this and you dressing up like you just woke up.." I asked.

"Then ill have to explain to them that we didnt do a thing accept kiss thats all." He laughs.

"Im serious! I look like i just woke up in pajamas and you look like you woke up and just messed around with your hair." I explain.

"Dont worry Mary, you look adorable." Addis smiles and parks the car.

"Well we're here.." Addison looks at me.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked him.

"Your beauty.. sorry, lets get going." He got out of his car and opened the door for me.

"Thank you Addison.. for the best night i have ever had." I gave him a big hug once i got out of his car.

He chuckled and hugged me back tight. "Ofcourse Mary, anything for you."

I kissed his cheek quickly and ran into school, not looking back at him.

"Over slept?" Katy giggles in the lunch area.

"Well its a long story.." i giggle and spot Addis walking towards me with his tray.

"Hey guys." He smiles and sits next to me.

Katy gave me a look of 'is it just me or is he hot!'

"Who's sweater is that Mary?" Jason asked, winking at me and Addison.

"I borrowed it.." i blush.

"From who?" Jason asked.


Our group gasps which made me and Addis jump.

"Did you guys--?!" Ashley yells.

"No! No! " i yell looking down.

"But we do have news..for the last day of school." Addis looks at me, letting me tell them the news.

I took a deep breath and let it out. "Addison and Me are finally going out." I blushed.

Katy, Ashley, Matt, Roman, and Jason scream quietly.

"Addison! My man!" Jason fist bumps Addis.

"Im so happy for you Mary!" Ashley and Katy hug me.

While they all asked us questions, Addis and i stare at each other.. smiling, ignoring everything they say.

"I love you Mary." He smiles at me with his beautiful hazel eyes.

"I love you too Addison." I smile back, my heart beating the HECK out!

I love him.. I love Addison Woodrow..


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