Chapter 3

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When I turned I saw Addis in a car driving very slowly while following me.

"What do you want Addis?" I asked with an annoyed face.

"I just saw that you were walking and I thought maybe you needed a ride." He smiled.

"I do not need one, now let me be." I faced.

"I was just going to H.E.B., do you want to at least join?" He asked, begging for me to enter.

"No ..." I replied, trying to pretend that I'm not going to H.E.B. either.

"Come on Mary, you're walking in the same direction as me." Addis smiled.

Even though I hated walking, how do I know if he is telling the truth? Good thing I brought pepper spray. (A/n Omg)

"Well, just please ... will you leave me alone afterwards?" I begged him as I climbed into the car.

"By the way, I realized that you didn't even need my help for the math homework." I said, As I got angry.

"Actually yeah, but I just wanted to talk and hang out with you." So he lied ?!

"I knew, you're like the other guys." I murmured.

"And what was this girl in your room talking about, about you didn't  like making new friends?" He asked.

"Her name is Katy and she said that because, it's true that I don't like making friends, I'm good with the friends I have now." I said, angry.

"Oh ..." he frowned and parked the car.

"And no, we're not friends, understood?" I broke and got out of his car.

When I got all the things I needed, I heard some girls giggling from the other aisle of me.

I turned to look at them and they were looking at Addis, while he was waiting for me.

"Omg, he's really cute!" A girl said laughing.

"Do you think he'll give us his number?" The other asked.

"Let's go talk to him!" The girl said

They both walked towards him and asked for his number.

He's probably just going to give the girls his number ..

While I was watching, he very well rejects the girls.

I could see that the girls were not so happy, but they just nodded and walked away.

I put my stuff in the cart, as the girls we're watching me.
"You have what you need?" He asks, giving me his warm nice smile.

"Yes, I'm ready to go, what are you doing?" I Asked, kinda laughing at what he's holding.
He was holding 2 pieces of ice cream.

"Which one should I get? Strawberry or vanilla?"He asked me.

I was thinking for a moment, "Strawberry now can we go?" Suddenly I was just annoyed with the girls who kept eyeing me as if I were lucky.
They even cried!

"Well ..." he put the ice cream in the cart and started taking it to the cashier.
We payed, then we get in his car and we didn't talk. Not even a bit.

"Thanks for the ride Addis." I told him as I got my things.

"No problem, Mary ... Maybe one day you'll be my friend." He said blushing.

"In your dreams bozo." I laugh as I walk in the house with my things.

Mom was in the living room reading a book.
"Hey mom, how was the work?" I asked.

"It was great, honey, I just talked to this really nice man at work, I could have a chance with him!" My mother responded exciting.

I smiled. "And who was that boy?"

"What, Boy?"

"The one who gave you a ride."

"Oh, he was just taking me to the grocery store, why?"
"The way he looks at you, he likes you."

"Mom, I'm not interested, he's just our new neighbor."I said blushing.

"You should invite him and his family to dinner, it would be fun!" She suggested,
helping me store the grocery store.

I nodded and went to my room. Yeah sure.. maybe.

Weeks passed and nothing really important happened
Addis was still trying to talk to me
Katy still talks about him
Ashley still blushes when she sees Matt
And my mom still wanted that dinner.

I called out to Addison's window, waiting for him to answer.

"Yes my lady?" He said, opening the window with a smirk.

"My mom wants to invite your family to dinner today."  I Asked.

"Sure, at what time?" He asked, smiling.

"6:00 pm Can you make it? My mom is really looking forward to it." I told.

"Well, I'm going to ask my mother, will I see you then?" He asked winking.

"Sure, see you then." I closed my window and immediately sent a text message to Katy.

Hi Katy.

Hello! So, how's it going between you and Addison?She texts.

For real? Well, my mother wanted to have dinner with his family, like a long time ago, and I was thinking maybe you and Ashley could join?

Oh? Can not handle how hot it is?

Shut up Katy, I know I'd be awkward at this dinner so your family could really help.

Kk gurl I'll see you later!

I put my phone and went to get ready.

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