Chapter 16

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Katy freaks.

Katy! CALM down! Lol your gonna wake up Matt.
I giggle.

Katy says.

Because of Roman soup?
I asked.

(Roman) and YES!
Katy daydreams.

I giggle and got a message from Jason.

Prom is near. Anyone asked you yet?
He asked.

Actually yes..but...I'm nervous. Lol
I laugh.

Nervous why? Who asked you out? Addison??
Jason kept asking.

I blush. already knew you idiot! I'm nervous because well, it's a boy!
I laugh.

So!I'm a boy and I asked you out in middle school but you rejected me.
He proclaims.

I'm really sorry about that Jason.. I wasn't interested.
I said sadly.

It's okay, I understand completely.
He chuckles.

I smile and placed my phone down.

Prom is near..I won't mess it up now.

Prom was tonight and I'm nervous to even enter--

"Mary!You look beautiful!" I hear my mom say.

"Thanks mom. Is Katy coming by?" I ask.

My mom nods, "Yes, Are you sure you don't want me to drive you there?"

"I'm postive. Thanks though." I smile and get my purse.

"Wish me luck mom." I hug her and she hugs me back.

"Make sure Addison treats you right." My mom whispered.

"Of course mom." I kiss her cheek and started to exit.

I see Katys car in front of my house.

"Hi Katy!" I smile and wave.

"Wow you look adorable!" She compliments.

"Not to bad yourself Katy." I laugh.

She rolls her eyes and leads me to her car.

When we entered the Party I saw the whole gang all together in one Table.

"What's going on?" I ask Katy.

"I don't know,but it's a lot of people." Katy grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the crowd.

"Now..I shall make this Card disappear In 1 second without my sleeves." A young boy announced.

"I'm so sure!" Another guy said,as everyone laughs.

As soon as they knew it,the card disappeared.

Everyone was is shock, as he bows.

"Really good job bro." I smiled and walked in.

Kids where staring at me,while I talk to him.

Nah,I don't care. As long as this guy seems nice.

"T-Thanks, I've been doing magic ever since grade school." He smiled.

"My name is Mary. As much as I hate introducing myself, what's yours?" I ask.

"Mine is Nick. Nice to meet you." He smiles and blushes.

"Well Nick, I hope you had a great year in your last high school year. Hope it goes well in your class." I winked and walked back to Katy.

"How nice of you to make new friends Mary." Katy smiled.

"Thank you! Now I have to go to the restroom." I laugh and quickly run to the girls restroom.

I'm still nervous about Addison...and collage.. and well EVERYTHING!

So far this year has gone crazy for me.. I actually fell in love with a guy who never gave up on me... a new kid!

I just don't think I really deserve all this..what did I do to win this....boy...

I looked at myself in the mirror... and thought.

Why does he even like me?

I started to cry when I heard the door open.

"Oh! Well if it isn't the girl who stole my man JayJay." A familiar girl said.

"Trixy??u-um..what are you--??"

"We go to the same school dumb ass, I moved in 2 months ago." Trixy smiled.

"But I was expecting you to be here...who's your date?"Trixy chuckles.

"Non of your business! Leave me alone!" I turn away.

When I looked up I saw Trixy in the mirror holding a knife on her hand.

"Trixy!!Let go of that!"I yelled.

She was about to stab me,but I stopped her..

"You know I'm stonger than you,bone head!" Trixy kicks my leg,it made me trip and fall to lose my focus.

Trixy stabbed my leg, and placed the knife near my throat..

I cried,"Trixy....STOP!Your hurting me!I never wanted to go out with jay!"

She placed the knife more deeper, "shut up you SLUT!"

I couldn't feel my leg at felt terrible, like me having to be stabbed by my own feelings.

I closed my eyes,thinking Trixy could kill me at any second but I felt her body weight fade away.

"Mary!!Someone call the abulance!" I heard Katy yell.

"Katy...please I'll be fine.." I cried.

Then I saw myself carried by Addis into the truck.

"You won't be fine! Mary it's gonna be okay!" He yelled,cautiously.

And soon enough I start to black out.

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