Chapter 8

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I got the door and it was Katy and her family!

"I'm so glad you made it Katy!" I said happily, like I never said before. I hugged her tightly.

"Wow someone is in a great mood." Katy laughed, and entered my house.

"I just like Christmas, that's all." I laughed, I thought I would tell her later.

Good thing I didn't close the door, because I just saw Roman and Ms,Lutches come in. Ms, Lutches is our math teacher AND Romans mother. How lucky is Katy that I invited Ms,Lutches.

"Thanks for coming Ms,Lutches! Roman? Katy is over there in the living room if you want to go see her." I winked and pointed to where Katy was. He nodded and went straight to go say hi.

"Hi Ashley! Ms,Monti! I'm so glad you guys came! Ms,Monti by the way your dress is beautiful." I commented.

"Thank you Mary, Ashley I want you to go have fun okay? Look there's Katy." She pointed at the living room and went inside.

I quickly whispered that "Don't interupt Katy and her future husband heh heh." We both giggled and nodded.

Matt, his big sister and his parents came in next.

"Hi Ms and Mr,D! I'm so glad you came! Merry Christmas Eve!" I said happily.

"Hi, you look very beautiful Mary, where's your mother?" Ms,D asked.

"She's in the kitchen cooking food, she might need help." I giggled and let his parents in.

"Hi Mary, any cute guys you invited?" Matts big sister was only 18 and she's in my school, named Stacey.

"Hm... how about him. His name is Alan and he just turned 18. You'll like him." I pointed to where Alan was and she giggled.

"You sure? I thought he was your cousin?" She asked, drooling over him.

"He is, but if he marries you, I could still be friends with you and Matt.. now go!" I pushed her in.

"Your very nice to my sister Mary. Your in a good mood." Matt said with a face that's about to make me punch his smile away.

"Get inside, by the way, you should ask Ashley out, she's over there in the dining area. Everyone knows you like her." I whispered and winked at him.

He blushed and nodded.

Last but not least, was Addison's Family.

"Hi Mrs,Woodrow! You look very beautiful!" She smiled at me, "Thank you, and you do too Miss Steel. Kids if you need anything I'll be with Mary's mom okay?" Her kids nodded.

"I never catched your name pretty girl?" I looked at Addis's little sister.

"My name is Alice..nice to meet you." She said nicely.

"Nice to meet you too, my name is Mary, I have a cousin who's just like your age, her name is Lisa and she's playing in the living room if you want to go play with her?" I asked and pointed at Lisa playing with her barbie dolls.

"Really?! Oh thank you!" She ran off and played with Lisa.

When I looked up I saw Addis with a suit on. The party was gonna formal soo... I blushed, he looks so handsome.

"Yes Mary it's me. Hi. You look amazing." He commented.

"Huh? Oh.. thank you, you look really handsome." I blushed and covered my mouth, realizing what I just said.

"Thanks I get that alot." He flexes his muscles. I just laughed and let him in.

We all had an amazing time.. and when it hit to midnight, all of us could open our presents.

I smiled when every one got a present.

I was okay with out any, It didn't really matter to me because Christmas is always family.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, when I looked back I saw Addis. "Hey can you come with me?" He asked.

"Sure." I blushed and smiled.

We both held hands, and took our coats it was snowing outside. We took a walk around the neighborhood.

"Ohh the weather outside is frightful.. but the snow is so delightful.." I mumbled

"When we finally kiss goodnight.." he continued it.

"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.." we both sang at the same time.

We both laughed.

"You sing beautiful." He said looking at me.

"I never knew you could sing, I never met a boy that could." I said blushing.

"Hm.. your welcome..?" he said jokefuly.

I punched his arm and laughed.

"I got you something." He took out a small box with a bow around it.

When I opened it, I almost couldn't breath.

"Oh my gosh, you didn't have to Addis." I took out this beautiful silver necklace, that I have always wanted ever sense middle school.

It even had my name!

"Do you want me to put it on?" He asked.

"Sure." I blushed and gave the necklace to him. I turned around and moved my hair out of the way, so he could put it on.

"This costs like so much money! How did you even afford it?!" I asked him.

"My mom knew you wanted that necklace because your mom told her. My mom was nice enough to buy it for you, and I promised her that I would pay her back." He chuckled.

"It's beautiful, thank you.. thank you so much!" I gave him a hug.

He hugged me back, "I- you Mary.." He whispered.

I blushed and stepped back.

"I'm sorry I still have to think about it.." I frowned and ran back home, leaving him alone and cold.

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