Chapter 20

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"Addison, did you really mean all that stuff about me?"
I asked, stupidly already knowing the answer.

"Ofcourse i did.. I love you so much i cant even stop my heart and guts from trying to kiss you. Mary i know you might think im like those jerks but secretly ive never dated a girl to do that." I saw tears running down his face, his hands clenching nervously on his legs.

"You never dated a girl before? Am i--?"

"The first girl ive wanted to go out with? Yes... you might think im lying when i say this but.. im not. I wouldnt lie to the person i have such strong feelings for." He looked up at me, smiling trying to fight back his tears.

"Oh Mary... even your surprised cute face makes me laugh." He chuckles.

I gave him a mad look and giggle, wiping his tears away. "Lets start over."

He gave a me a surprised look, not understanding what im saying. "What do you mean?"

"You ask me out and wait for my responce." I smile innocently.

He laughs and got out of his seat to kneel down. "Would you like to go out with me Mary Steel?"

I looked up, trying to look like im thinking. He gave me a grumpy look, probably knowing my answer.

"Arent we already going out?" I wink.

He stood up,immediately picked me up and swung me around. Once he puts me down, he leaned in for kiss.

I giggle as i stop him. "Nuh uh!" I rejected.

He looked at me sadly, still holding me around my hips. I roll my eyes and just kissed him.


I jumped and heard his moms camera flash.

"I've always dreamed of this day!" She giggled and ran off.

Addis runs after her trying to get that picture his mother took. I just laugh and stand there.

Alice walks up to me pulling my shirt. "Could you please stay the night. My brother gets scared sometimes he comes to my room to sleep."

I kneel down,smiling. "Ofcourse! I dont think my mother would mind. Just dont let Addis get any ideas okay?"

She nodds and goes straight upstairs.

"Got the picture!" He yelled and waved at me. His mother trying so hard to get it back.

"Find just dont throw it away!" His mom told him.

I laugh as he makes a face at his mother. He hands me the picture for me to see and i just push it away. "Let her keep it Teddy Bear.. you wouldnt want her to be all over us tonight.. am i right handsome?" I sarcastically spoke.

He blushed and stepped back at my flirtatious act. "O-ofcouse princess.." He gives back the picture to his mom and kept staring at me.

"Your gonna stay over?" His mom asked me.

"Sure why not?" I giggle and winked at her, giving her the look that i wont do anything wrong.

She smiled and just went upstairs to her room.

"Did you really mean what you said back there Mary?" He crossed his arms.

I smile at him, "ofcourse i did! Why would i pretend to such a hunk like you!" I continued.

"Okay, okay.. what did you do to Mary?" He asked.

I laugh so hard i almost wanted to run away. "Fine! I just wanted your mom to know that i like you too."

"You like me? Like, like, or like?" He asked.

"I like, like you." I whisper. He smirks, "What was that again? I couldnt hear you."

I rolled my eyes, "i like, like you." He lays down on the couch, his head on top of my legs as i play with his hair. He instantly falls asleep, when i lean towards him for a kiss on the cheek i whisper... "I love you Addison ever since the day you told me you loved me.." I blush, slowly falling asleep, when i heard. "I love you too Mary."

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