Chapter 10

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When I came out, Katy, Ashley, Matt, Roman,Addis and my mom surprised me.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone yelled.

"You guys scared me! Thank you though" I laughed.

"Well we wanted to take you some where." Mom said.

"Take me where?" I asked.

I saw Katy jumping up and down. "We're going to the beach!!"

I covered my mouth, "We are!? Oh my gosh!!" I hugged mom tightly.

"Go pack!" Matt said.

I ran to my room, everyone went with me eccept mom ofcourse.

The boys were just sitting on my bed talking, me and the girls were just looking through clothes to wear for the beach.

"I never asked.. are you guys coming with us?" I asked looking at all of them.

"My mom let me." Addis said.

"My parents too" Matt said.

"Yeah." Ashley said.

"Duh." Katy said.

"Ofcourse." Roman said.

I smiled, and went back to packing.

Mom came in with a huge smile on her face.

"Are you guys ready?" She asked.

"Yep!" Everyone yelled, grabbed there stuff and headed to the car.

"Wait mom."


"Your letting Addis come with us?"

"Why not?"

"He's a boy.."

"Matt, and Roman are boys too.. come on already. We're gonna be late."

Mom's not worried I might do something? She trusts me? I mean I don't mind..

I laughed and went inside the car.

The ride was so much fun! Good thing my mom had a van, that we can all fit in. Ha..

"Why couldn't we take the plane again?" Ashley asked, getting car sick.

"I'll stop at the nearest store okay honey?" Mom said,driving.

Ashley nodded, trying not to embarrass herself in front of Matt.

"Your wearing the necklace." Addis said smiling at it, while everybody was talking.

"Ofcourse I would, I mean it is my favourite necklace. Thanks again." I smile and blushed, I forgot he was sitting next to me.

"That has to be like the millionth time you thanked me." He said laughing.

"Well I like it, don't judge." I looked away and laughed along.

"Hey how's it going with Roman over there." I whispered to Katy.

"He's so cute..and he's such a good kisser!" We both laughed.

We were almost there, which lead me to the sleeping relm. And by sleeping relm I mean, Addis sleeping on my shoulder!

I blushed when he touched my shoulder. No one ever touched me, they end up getting punched and having a nose bleed.

I quickly held his head and qently placed it on my legs. He looks so adorable.. What?!

I gave myself a face palm, and looked up.

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