Chapter 6

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"AH!" I screamed and jumped.

It was my cousin!

"HAHA! You still get scared for everything!" He smiled and hugged me.

"Alan! You came! I missed you bro!" I said hugging him tightly.

We let go and smiled.

"Is Lisa here?" I asked.

Lisa is my other cousin,she's 5 and she comes to visit every Christmas or every holiday. Alan is 17 like me and he's turning 18 this Month. He had this weird crush on me ever sense we were little but I didn't like boys then so, he understood.. sometimes he gets jealous when I talk to Matt.

"Yeah, she really misses you Mary. Are you seeing anyone? It is your last year in high school." He asked, with a confused/cute face on.

I can't tell him about Addison, but I'm not going out with Addis anyways so.. it's not like I'm lying to him. Right?

"Didn't I tell you I'm not interested in boys? I rather graduate first then find someone I like." I said, giving him a glare.

He shrugged.

"Hi Mary! You've grown so much!" I heard a familiar voice.

"Aunty Abigail! Hi! I'm so glad you came to visit!" I gave her hug.

"I know! And I brought some cookies! Lisa and Alan couldn't wait until you came home for some!" she whispered and winked.

I giggled and saw my uncle 'Mike' right next to her.

"Hi sir! How are you doing!" I asked giving him a hug.

"I am doing well. Still getting straight A's?" He asked.

"Only on Math, but I do get Bs at other classes too." I innocently smiled.

He smiled and gave me a hug again.

Mom didn't have work this month so she was in the kitchen cooking something.

"Hi mom! Mm that smells really good." I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi.oh and honey how's it going with Addison?" She asked.

I blush, remembering that night outside.

"Mom I'm not into him, and why do you even ask?" I asked, still blushing.

"Because I saw you two outside."


I blushed even harder and slapped her on her arm.

"Mom! I couldn't stop myself! Anyway, could we invite Katys,Ashleys, and Matts family too this Christmas?" I asked, happily.

"Of course oh and I invited Addison's family over too if you didn't mind." She laughed.

Mom... why are people trying to get me with him?!

"I don't mind, but mom we're just friends.." I covered my mouth, realizing what I just said.

"Friends huh?" She giggled.

Friends? Me and him? What did I say? Hm..

"Whatever mom.. I'm going to my room, oh and by the way, him and I got an A+ on our project." I smiled and head to my room.

So can you all come?
I asked everyone in a group message.

Duh! Who would want to miss you and Addis kissing Lol!
Katy said making me blush.

So true! Mary I never knew you liked boys?
Matt asked with a heart emoji.

I dont! Stop Katy! Anyway what about you Ashley? I have something planned for you too.
I giggled and asked.

S-sure, I bet it would be fun. But I got to admit you and Addison look so cute together, that's probably why I'm coming lol.
She sends.

Guys really? I didn't even invite him!
I got annoyed.

But you wanted to, didn't you?
Katy texts.

Matt texted

Katy texted

Ashley texted

Haha very funny, any ways gtg,I have to take a shower. TTYL!
I copied.

Hey that's my thing Mary!
Katy texted.

I giggled

I got my clothes, a towel, and went to go take a shower.

I don't like him, do i? Nah, I'm here to graduate not to love.

When I got out, my cousins wanted to play in my room for a bit.

"Ha! You can't beat me!" It was my turn, but that's when Addis knocked on my window.

"Hey." He smiled,when I opened my window.

"Hi." Why do I feel so weird! I smiled back.

"Hey Mary, your blushing? Who's this?" Alan came out of nowhere and asked, getting mad.

"This is Addison. My friend.." Not again! I said it AGAIN?!

Addison looked at me in surprise and laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked, annoyed.

"You called me your friend." He smirked.

"Addis this is my cousin Alan." I introduced.

"Hi, wow he looks a lot like your boyfriend Mary." Alan said, with jealousy in his face.

I laughed.

"I told you I'm not interested Alan, now go and have fun with Lisa." I pushed him away.

When I turned back to Addis he just blushed.

"Are you okay?" I snapped my fingers.

"Sorry, I was just thinking.. he looked jealous for sec." He looked at me.

"He has this weird crush on me, he's turning 18 this month. And when he saw you he probably thought you were my boyfriend." I blushed.

He smiled. He probably noticed my blushing.

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